Steak Bridies (2 pack) | Simon Howie (2024)

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£4.40 per pack

A hearty savoury pastie

Shredded beef and onion mixed with rich gravy, laid in puff pastry, then folded over and baked.

One pack contains 2 bridies.

Ensure the product is cooked thoroughly before serving. As all appliances may vary, these are guidelines only.

Steak Bridies (2 pack) | Simon Howie (2024)


What is a steak Bridie? ›

The filling of a bridie consists of minced steak, butter, and beef suet seasoned with salt and pepper. It is sometimes made with minced onions. Before being baked, the bridie's filling is placed on pastry dough, which is then folded into a semi-circular shape; finally, the edges are crimped.

How long to cook an individual steak pie from the butchers? ›

Cooking Tips

Cook in a preheated oven at gas mark 4 or 180'c for 45 minutes, until the pie is piping hot. You can place tin foil over the top to save burning the pastry.

Why is a bridie called a bridie? ›

The name “Bridie” has two possible origins. One is that the name comes from Maggie Bridie of Glamis who sold them at Buttermarket and the other is that the horseshoe shape made them lucky to serve at weddings and took the name from the bride.

What does bridie mean in food? ›

/ˈbraɪdi/ (Scottish English) ​a small pie containing meat.

What is the difference between a pastie and a bridie? ›

While Cornish pasties are made with shortcrust pastry, most bridies are made with flaky pastry. Though bridies in Forfar are also made with shortcrust pastry, they tend to be a little softer. Unlike pasties, bridies do not contain potatoes - they are filled with minced steak, beef suet, and sometimes onions.

What cut is feather steak? ›

Feather blade is cut from the shoulder of the animal, it is a perfect steak for the slow cooker a this brings out its flavour best. Cooked in a gravy stock for hours makes it beautifully soft and tender.

What does a bridie look like? ›

A Scottish Bridie is simple hand-held meat pie made in a horseshoe shape. It usually contains beef, and sometimes onion, and a few various seasonings.

What is bridies? ›

Recipe by Susan Reid. 12 Reviews. Originally from the town of Forfar in Scotland, these neat little round pies in easy hot-water pastry can be made with any kind of ground meat. They're a takeout staple in shops all over Scotland.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.