The Role of Labor Unions in Wages: The Case of Mexico · The Role of Labor Unions in Wages: The Case of Mexico ... Some Mexican labor unions make more aggressive wage demands than - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Role of Labor Unions in Wages:The Case of Mexico∗

Judith A. Frıas

August 17, 2006

(Preliminary Version)

AbstractThis research analyzes cross-section and panel firm-level data to

test two main hypotheses: (1) Some Mexican labor unions make moreaggressive wage demands than others, and (2) The union’s level ofa*ggressiveness depends on its affiliation with nationwide confedera-tions. I find that during the 1990s, unions that were affiliated withthe CTM, the most important labor confederation in Mexico, werethe most aggressive in pursuit of high wages, while unions that wereaffiliated with alternative confederations pursued wage moderation.Recognizing that there are two types of unions based on their wagedemands has important implications for how the Mexican labor mar-ket operates. Despite the general consensus about wage rigidities inthe Mexican labor market, I argue that the union’s decision about thetype of confederation to affiliate with -whether it pursues aggressive ormoderate wage demands- creates a channel via which wages respond,to some degree, to economic factors. One main finding supports myargument: Labor unions from low-productivity firms were associatedwith confederations that made wage cuts easier, while unions in high-productivity firms affiliated with confederations that made more ag-gressive wage demands. In general, then, unions change their confed-eration affiliation in response to productivity shocks.

JEL Codes: J31, J41, J51.Key words: Trade Unions, Wage Determination, Labor Confederations.

∗I am very much indebted to my advisor Jean-Laurent Rosenthal for valuable guidanceand support. I am also grateful to Rodrigo Garcıa Verdu, Gonzalo Islas, Naomi Lamore-aux, Aaron Tornell, Cirila Quintero and the seminar participants at the UCLA Proseminarin Economic History and the Banco de Mexico Seminar. Special thanks to Gerardo Leyva,Adriana Ramırez and Gabriel Romero (INEGI-Aguascalientes) for facilitating the use ofdata relevant to this study. Send comments to [emailprotected]


1 Introduction

Questions about distortions in the labor market and wage rigidities havespurred considerable interest in the field of economics. Most research agreesthat these rigidities or inefficiencies are created by unions and restrictiveregulations that prevent the reallocation of labor and other resources to theirmost efficient uses.

Despite considerable effort to measure the magnitude and determinantsof these labor market inefficiencies, as well as to estimate the causal effect ofunions on wages, previous research has neglected the study of more particularunion characteristics such as their affiliation to nationwide confederations.1

This attachment to broader labor organizations might have an impact on theunion’s bargaining power to extract surplus, and thus on wage determination.

Labor confederations and their impact on wages are especially interestingin countries like Mexico where the labor movement has been strongly linkedto the government since the 1930s.2 At that time, Mexican unions and thestate (or more precisely the PRI)3 came to an agreement where the state helda monopoly over politics and unions supported economic development bycontrolling workers and containing wages in exchange for preferential treat-ment from the government.4 In addition, unions by their votes committed

1Some examples of labor confederations are: The American Federation of Labor andthe Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFI-CIO), both in the United States, the Gen-eral Italian Confederation (CGIL) in Italy, the General Labor Confederation (CGT) inArgentina, the United Workers Central Organization (CUT) in Colombia, the UnifiedLabor Confederation (CUT) in Brazil, the Mexican Workers’ Confederation (CTM), etc.

2This agreement developed in Mexico during the 1930s has been referred to in theliterature as “corporatisvismo”. This corporatist structure provided the government witha powerful mechanism to control the two most important economic forces at that time -thepeasants and the laborers. This government strategy stimulated the creation of laborer andpeasant organizations, incorporating them into the political party in power (the PRI) andgiving them some political and economic privileges such as the development of institutions(IMSS, ISSSTE, Fonacot, INFONAVIT) in charge of redistributing income in favor ofworkers. This labor movement on the government side was called “official”.

3The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is a political party that ruled Mexico formore than 70 years. In 2000, for the first time in history, Mexico elected a president whowas not a PRI candidate.

4There has been a lot of work concerning the long term relationship between Mexicanlabor unions and the government. Haber et. al. [16] claim that political integrationbetween Mexican firms, unions, and the state convinced firms to invest in the countryduring the Post-Revolutionary period. In this context, labor unions worked as a mechanismto make the government’s stated commitment not to extract firm’s rents credible. Zapata[34] focuses on the impact of Mexican economic and political events during the 1982-1994period, such as privatization, devaluation, financial and trade liberalization, economiccrisis, among other factors on the historical relationship between the labor movement and


to supporting the PRI.This reciprocal relationship between unions and the state was made pos-

sible by the creation of nationwide labor organizations, called Centrals, thatguided firm-level unions through wage bargaining. The guided wage policieswere determined in negotiations between the Centrals’ leaders and the gov-ernment. Even today, it is argued that confederations are strongly linked tothe government because of their affiliation with political parties.

The important connection between political matters and labor confeder-ations, well documented by historians, suggests that wages have been linkedto political considerations rather than determined freely in the labor market.Even so, there has been little attempt on the part of economists to measurethe causal effect of labor confederations on wages. The present study is thefirst rigorous analysis of this matter, complementing previous historical re-search which was based primarily on limited evidence such as interviews andcase studies.

This line of research on the case of Mexico is particularly interesting for atleast three reasons. First, the Mexican economy has undergone economic andpolitical transitions during the past two decades when the government movedto promote greater productivity and efficiency, when the government pursuedtrade liberalization and privatization. This transition has affected not onlythe bargaining power of unions, but also the relationship between the labormovement and the PRI. For instance, the role of nationwide confederationshas become less clear as political democracy has opened the space for newalliances between confederations and alternative political parties to the PRI.Second, no matter what the connections were between the labor movementand the government during the twentieth century, labor unions have alwayshad different alternatives in choosing their Central affiliation. There are morethan thirty Centrals in Mexico from which unions can choose, but yet thedeterminants of the union’s decision in choosing a specific Central remainunknown. Third, although there is some generalized perception, based onanecdotal evidence, that the role of Centrals on wage determination has di-minished after liberalization, to the best of my knowledge rigorous empiricalevidence is rare.

Even though available data do not allow me to study the role of laborCentrals on wages before and after liberalization policies, my research shedsnew light on the importance of this plethora of confederations in Mexico.In particular, this work estimates the wage gap among Centrals, taking into

the political system. Middlebrook a[25] analyzes the factors behind both the origins andthe durability of the alliance between the PRI and the labor movement. He also analyzesthe impact of liberalization on this alliance.


account the dynamics of the unions’ Central affiliation over time. I findthat Mexican unions change Centrals relatively often, and more importantly,I show that despite the strong relationship between politics and the labormovement, wages react to changes in productivity as labor unions are allowedto switch Centrals when the circ*mstances of the firm change. For example,unions affiliated with Centrals that adopt wage moderation policies switchto Centrals that make more aggressive wage demands when facing increasesin labor productivity. On the other hand, the likelihood of leaving a Centralthat follows pro-wage policies either does not change or slightly increaseswhen productivity decreases.

To explain the above phenomena, I argue that Mexican confederationsadopt different wage policies that labor unions recognize. Specifically, I ar-gue that the CTM, the largest Central in Mexico, is associated with highwages, while the CROC, the second largest Central, can be distinguished bycutting wages to levels lower than the CTM’s. Results from different iden-tification strategies suggest that the wage gap between these two Centralsranges between 3% and 11%. Therefore, when Mexican unions face negativeproductivity shocks, they may switch to the CROC with the hope of keep-ing their jobs. This specific scheme by which unions select themselves intoCentrals over time allows me to make robust conclusions about the wage gapamong Centrals and therefore, to generalize about the existence of differenttypes of unions based on their wage demands. Recognizing types of Centralsbased on their wage policies raises interesting questions for future research.For example, is one union type better than another for firms’ economic per-formance?

The order of this paper is as follows: Section 2 presents both the maincharacteristics of labor unions and Centrals in Mexico and a short reviewof the Mexican economic and political transitions during the 1990s. Sec-tion 3 briefly highlights the theoretical framework and the sources of biasin estimates of the wage gap among confederations. Section 4 includes theidentification strategies and empirical results. Finally, Section 5 concludes.

2 The Institutional Context

2.1 Mexican Labor Unions and Confederations

In this study I analyze the relationship between the Mexican labor move-ment and wages through nationwide confederations. It is important to firstunderstand, therefore, how labor unions operates from a legal perspectiveand how their affiliation with Centrals works.


In Mexico, labor unions can be formed in multiple ways. A union cancover employees in one or more firms, in one or more industries, in one ormore states, and in one or more job categories.5 Further, Mexican laborcontracts have “closed shop” rules: the employers can only hire members ofa specific labor union, and employees must remain members of that union tokeep their jobs.6

A Mexican union must be registered before it may legally represent work-ers. The rules for union registration are set down in the Art. 365 of theMexican Labor Law (MLL): unions must have a minimum of twenty mem-bers, all of whom must be at least fourteen years old, and the union mustsubmit notarized copies of its statutes, as well as the name and address ofeach member, to the Ministry of Labor and to the Conciliation and Arbi-tration Boards.7 If the above requirements are satisfied, registration shouldbe automatic. It has been argued, however, that the process might favor aparticular type of union because the government may interfere in the reg-istration process. For example, the state can delay both union registrationand the legalization of industrial disputes (see appendix A.2).

When a union already exists in a firm, an incoming union has to file apetition with the labor boards seeking an election in order to determine whichunion represents a majority of the workers. However, exclusion clauses havemade entry difficult since the old union has the right to instruct the employerto fire disloyal organizers. This is possible because there is no secret ballotwhen workers vote on union affiliation. There are also rules regarding theunion’s dissolution. This must be approved by two-thirds of the membershipor unions can be dissolved when reaching the expiration date set down in itsown statutes (Art. 379, MLL).

Once a union has been settled down in a firm, it has the alternative toaffiliate with broader labor organizations at regional or national levels. Inthis study, I restrict my attention to national attachment. In most caseswhen unions affiliate with regional federations, they are also affiliated withconfederations. Therefore, focusing on the union’s affiliation with nationwideconfederations, although a broader definition of union’s affiliation, is infor-

5Art. 360, Mexican Labor Law.6Even though the Mexican Labor Law does not prohibit the existence of more than

one union in a workplace, “closed shop” rules can be created through collective bargainingagreements. In fact, these exclusionary clauses are included in most of the collectivebargaining agreements that are signed in Mexico (source: collective contracts from firmsthat are located in the Mexico-US border). “Closed shop” rules do not apply in job-category unions since these are known for unionizing groups of few employees.

7For information about the Mexican Conciliation and Arbitration Boards see appendixA.2.


mative enough. Examples of confederations, in Mexico known as “Centrals”,are the Mexican Workers Confederation (CTM), the Regional Confedera-tion of Workers and Peasants (CROC), the Regional Confederation of Mex-ican Workers (CROM), etc.8 The Central of Centrals is the Mexican LaborCongress (LC) that combines more than thirty confederations encompassingaround 75% of the unionized workforce.

How a union joins a confederation is regulated by each Central’s statutes(CS): a union has to fill out an affiliation petition in which unionized employ-ees agree to follow the Central’s policies (Art. 86, CS). Also, these statutesare straightforward about dissolution: the union’s separation from a con-federation must be accepted by two-thirds of the union membership (Art.87, CS). However, this two-thirds rule is contradicted by the Mexican LaborLaw, which states that labor unions can leave a confederation at any time(Art. 382, MLL). What is important for this study is the fact that unionscan easily change Centrals, at least from a legal perspective.

It is important to emphasize that a Mexican Central is not a union whichbargains with employers over labor contracts, but a confederation of separateunions, each of which bargains individually.

The confederations’ capital consists of the following: (1) they offer guid-ance on administration and expertise in formulating wage policies, (2) theycentralize resources from members through union dues, (3) depending ontheir connection with political parties, they might have the ability to obtainconcessions from the state, as well as to speed negotiations with the gov-ernment, and (4) the unity of unions offered by nationwide confederationsincreases the credibility of strike threats.

Given the above skills, Centrals sell themselves as mediators more capa-ble of appropriate rents than non affiliated firm-level unions. At the sametime, these confederations differentiate themselves from each other in termsof goals, strategies, and ideologies. These differences among Centrals havebecome more tangible after the economic and political transitions that tookplace in Mexico during the 1990s. After this period some unions started se-curing employment rather than pursuing high wages and the union’s abilityto communicate with the government also started to depend less on theirconnections with the PRI, as other parties were gaining political territory.These broader differences in goals and strategies might explain the wage gapamong Mexican confederations during the 1990s (table 1).

Among Centrals, the literature has distinguished between two main types:official and alternative Centrals. According to previous research, the formerhas helped the government to contain wage increases and to discourage in-

8For more information about these Centrals see appendix A.


dustrial conflict. Besides that, official confederations are incorporated intopolitical parties while alternative Centrals do not affiliate to any politicalparty.9 The PRI is the only political party that has made explicit its relation-ship with labor Centrals, while the PAN has refrained from any associationwith them.10

Although all official unions have been affiliated with the Labor Congress,conflicts among them have not been rare. For example, there has been rivalrybetween the CROC (and its allies such as STERM, SME, and COR)11 andthe CTM since the former was created in 1952. In fact, Middlebrook claimsthat Mexican president Miguel Aleman (1946-1952) facilitated the formationof the CROC to undermine the CTM’s capacity to pressure the state foreconomic concessions.

Among the more than thirty Mexican Centrals, the CTM has stood as thelargest and most powerful confederation in Mexico since its creation in 1936.Even though there were periods of confrontation between the state and theCTM, over the long run, the CTM has been the most important supporterof Mexican presidents, especially before liberalization policies. For example,the state relied on the CTM for help in pushing through nationalizationand agrarian reforms during the 1980s. By 2001, the CTM still remainedas the largest Central in the country, as suggested by data from Mexicanmanufacturing firms. Despite the 14% drop in the number of unionized firmsattached to the CTM during the economic crisis of 1995, by 2001 this Centralhad fully recovered (table 2).

While the CTM has retained its dominance in most industries, in cer-tain activities, the CROC has gained remarkable importance. To illustrate,the CROC’s participation in unionized employment in the wood industryincreased 130% between 1992 and 2001, whereas the CTM’s increased only26%.12 On average, unionized firms and workers attached to the CROC haveincreased by almost 50% and 35%, respectively (tables 2 and 3).

The increased presence of non-CTM unions might be explained by the

9Alternative Centrals are the National Union of Workers (UNT) and independent fed-erations such as the Federation of Independent Unions (FNSI) and the Proletarian Inde-pendent Movement (MPI).

10The incorporation of unions into political parties is asserted directly in the Central’sstatutes. For example, the CTM 2004-statutes state that the CTM is an official memberof the PRI, then, any union affiliated with this Central must be incorporated to the PRItoo. On the other hand, President Fox (from the National Action Party -PAN) has ratifiedhis position against any corporatist relationship with labor unions.

11STERM: Mexican Electrical Workers’ Union, and SME: Mexican Electricians’ Unionand COR: Confederation of Revolutionary Workers.

12Also, the CROC’s participation in total employment in the wood industry increased100% between 1992 and 2001, while the CTM’s increased only 12%.


entrance and exit of firms in the manufacturing sector over time. The lowerpanel of table 2 shows that by 1992 a large share of new firms (i.e., firms thathave been in operation since any time after December 1984) were attachedto the CROC. Other Centrals also increased their firm membership, but by2001 they lost nearly 30% of their members.

The drop in the number of old firms affiliated with the CTM between 1992and 1999 suggests that firms attached to this Central were more vulnerableto the economic crisis of 1995 than firms with other affiliation. However,how to interpret the increase in the number of old firms associated with theCTM when affiliation is assumed fixed over time. One concern of this studyis, then, the analysis of the Central affiliation dynamics over time. If unionsare moving, this should be taken into account when estimating the causaleffect of Central status on wages.

2.2 Mexico’s Economic and Political Restructuring

The role of unions in the labor market was importantly affected by the eco-nomic environment in Mexico during the 1990s. In fact, the 1990s haveoften been called the decade of the unionization crisis because membershipseverely dropped during this period. Data from household surveys show thatunionization rates decreased by around 40% between 1989 and 1996, andincreased by only 10% between 1996 and 2004.13 Data from manufacturingfirm surveys also show that unionization rates dropped around 20% between1992 and 1994, and slightly recovered from 1994 to 2001, when unionizationrates increased by about 5% (table 4).14

Many industries were particularly vulnerable to economic changes duringthe 1990s (food, drinks and tobacco, textiles and non-metal minerals) andyet, there were industries that slightly increased their number of unionizedworkers relative to total employment (basic metals, and metals, machineryand equipment). Also, some regions were severely affected during this periodsuch as the South and the Bajıo regions, where unionization rates decreasedbetween 15% and 20%, respectively (table 5).

This shrinkage in unionization rates has been linked to the government’seffort to promote greater productivity and efficiency in both the public and

13To calculate union rates, labor force was defined as every person above 14 years oldwho was working when the survey was taken. Union rates are higher when self-employedworkers are excluded from the labor force as well as when employees between 14 and 16years old and part-time workers are excluded.

14Sources: (1) Household surveys- ENIGH (available for the years of 1984, 1989, 1992,1994, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2004) and (2) Firm surveys- ENESTYC (available forthe years of 1992, 1994, 1999 and 2001).


private sectors through liberalization and privatization policies. This eco-nomic restructuring might have weaked Mexican unions because liberaliza-tion coincided with increases in unemployment, decentralization of produc-tion, high levels of turnover, and the government’s effort to both decreaseinflation and make employment more flexible.

On the political side, the 1990s were characterized by the growth of op-position parties to the PRI, as well as by the victory of the first non-PRIcandidate in presidential elections (in 2000). This more heterogeneous polit-ical environment had an impact on the seven-decade relationship of the PRIand the labor sector as it opened space for new political alignments betweennon-PRI political parties and non-CTM confederations.

In fact, previous research has recognized both that the Central’s wagepolicies have been strongly linked to political matters, and that this relation-ship was affected by liberalization policies. Some authors claim that after thelate 1980s, there was a deep rupture between the government and Centralswhen the old imported substitution model was replaced by open trade.15 Incontrast, others claim that official Centrals (the CTM, CROC, CROM, etc.)continued to support the established government through moderate wagedemands, thus boosting investment and reducing inflation.

To sum up, the important economic and political transitions that Mexicoexperienced in the 1990s and its peculiar union history -extremely tied topolitics- open a broad set of questions about labor unions and wage deter-mination. In this study, I focus on the role of nationwide confederations inthe Mexican labor market because of two main reasons. First, the changes inCentrals’ participation in employment suggest that unions might be switch-ing Centrals over time; and second, the plethora of confederations in thecountry raises questions about how unions decide which confederation tomove to, and how this decision impacts wages.

3 Theoretical Framework

Most theoretical models analyzing the effect of labor unions on wages andemployment are based on the Nash-bargaining model. This model shows thatthe outcome of a bargain between two players -in this case, a firm and a laborunion- comes from maximizing the Nash formula (Z − Z)θ(Π− Π)1−θ, where

15From the early 1930s, the Mexican government adopted a strategy of Import Substitu-tion Industrialization (ISI). ISI supporters believed that economies of scale put nascent in-dustries at a disadvantage when competing with more developed foreign rivals. To achieveeconomies of scale, industries would initially require economic assistance and exclusiveaccess to markets which only the state could provide.


Z refers to the union objective function and Π refers to the firm objectivefunction. When there is no agreement between players, then the objectivefunctions are Z and Π, respectively. The parameter θ refers to the bargainingpower of unions. The higher θ, the greater the union bargaining power.

The union objective function, Z = L(W − W ), is derived from a medianvoter framework which assumes that unions maximize a surplus over an alter-native salary, W , that can be thought of as the competitive wage (i.e., equalto labor productivity). The profit function of the firm is

∏= R(L)−WL−F ,

where R(L) is the firm’s revenue, W refers to wages, L refers to employmentand F refers to the firm fixed cost. Previous studies assume that

∏is equal

to F, employment is unilaterally determined by the firm, and the wages aredetermined in bargaining between the firm and the union.

Although labor unions are usually assumed to bargain only for wages, inthis study, labor unions are allowed to differ one from the other based ontheir preferences toward employment. To account for the weight unions puton employment relative to wages, an additional parameter (φ) was included inthe maximization problem. The higher φ, the greater the union’s preferencetoward employment.

Appendix C presents a detailed discussion about the different assumptionsand implications behind different Nash-bargaining models: the monopolymodel, the right to manage model and the efficient-bargaining model. Inthis section, I briefly set up the more general maximization problem and itssolution.

The Nash maximization problem is:

MaxW [Lφ(W − W )][R(L)− wL]γ (1)

subject to:

RL = W

where γ = 1−θθ

substituting RL = W in Eq. (1):

MaxL [LφRL − LφW ][R(L)−RLL]γ (2)

solving the maximization problem in Eq. (2):

(RL − W ) = [γL


− φ


]−1 (3)



(W ∗ − W ) = [γL∗


− φ


]−1 (4)

where L∗ = L∗(W,φ, γ)According to Eq. 4, the wage in a particular firm is a function of both

firm characteristics (such as the the firm’s revenue and labor productivity)and union characteristics (bargaining power and union’s preference over em-ployment in relation to wages).

In this study, I am concerned with analyzing differences in wages derivedfrom differences in unions characteristics, such as its Central affiliation. Forexample, I am interested in estimating the wage gap between a firm associ-ated with the CTM and a firm associated with the CROC. It follows that:

W ∗CTM = W + [γCTM ∗ x1 − φCTM ∗ x2]

−1 (5)

W ∗CROC = W + [γCROC ∗ x1 − φCROC ∗ x2]

−1 (6)

where x1 = L∗/(R−RLL) and x2 = 1/(L∗ ∗RLL)Despite the fact that γ and φ cannot be estimated separately, I assume

that these parameters are determined by the type of Central each firm isassociated with. The higher φ, the lower the wages demanded by the union.The effect of γ on wages would depend on how employment changes as theunion’s bargaining power changes. The reduced form proposed here is:

Ln(Wf ) = a + b ∗ Cf + c ∗ Ln(W ) + d ∗ Ln(Xf ) + ηf (7)

where C is equal to one if the firm f is associated with the CTM and zerootherwise, and X includes firm characteristics as proxies of L∗, R and RLL. Itcan also be assumed that W is the same for all firms regardless the affiliationof their union; or less restrictive, W can be assumed the same over industriesor regions. In the latter case, state and industry fixed-effects should beincluded in the reduced form as additional controls. Time fixed-effects shouldalso be included when analyzing wage determination over time.

The coefficient b in Eq. 7 measures the wage gap between Centrals. If b-estimated is statistically significantly different from zero, then the wage gapamong Centrals is explained by union characteristics, such as its bargainingpower (γ) or its preferences toward wages or employment (φ).


However, if γ and φ are associated with the firm’s characteristics, then,some bias should be expected. For example, if unions in high-productivityfirms choose a particular Central and labor productivity is omitted in Eq. 7,then the correlation between Cf and RL will lead to bias in the estimatedeffect of Central affiliation on wages (i.e., in the estimated wage gap amongconfederations). The side of the bias is determined by:


V ar(C)= b +

Cov(C, η)

V ar(C)(8)

where Cov(·) refers to the covariance between two variables, V ar(·) refers tothe variance of a particular variable, and ηf = β ∗RLf + εf . Therefore,


V ar(C)= b + Γ′CRL

β (9)

where ΓCRLrefers to the correlation between Central affiliation and labor

productivity. Since labor productivity is positively correlated with wages(β > 0), then whether b-estimated is upward or downward biased dependson the sign of ΓCRL

.In the following sections, I estimate the causal relationship between Cen-

tral affiliation and wages using available data in the Mexican manufacturingindustry and challenging the exogeneity assumption of Central status. First,I assume that Central status is exogenous or at least stable over time. Giventhis assumption, I estimate the correlation between Central status and wagesusing a cross-section database at firm level. Second, I test the exogeneityassumption of Central affiliation analyzing the possible link between laborproductivity and the union’s Central choice. I also test the causality direc-tion between Central status and wages. Finally, I use a panel database atfirm level to explore the determinants of Central attachment and estimatethe impact of Central status on wages using both instrumental variables (IV)and Fixed-effects (FE) approaches.

4 Empirical Estimation

4.1 Data

The theoretical discussion from section 3 stressed the importance of includingcontrols for firm and union characteristics in estimating the effect of Centralaffiliation on wages. I use data from the National Employment, Salaries,


Technology and Training Firms Survey (ENESTYC) that provides indica-tors of Central affiliation that are not generally available in labor marketsurveys.16 In particular, firms from the ENESTYC reported to be associ-ated with three main confederations that are: the CTM, the CROC and theCROM. Associations with other Centrals are categorized as Others.17

The ENESTYC consists of a nationally representative sample of Mexicanmanufacturing firms that has been fielded four times (1992, 1995, 1999 and2001).18 It is a large stratified survey with over representation of larger work-places because firms are drawn from the Mexican industrial census followinga specific sampling methodology: big and medium firms are all selected (i.e.,plants with more than 101 employees), while small and micro firms are ran-domly chosen.19 Therefore, sampling weights must be used to extrapolatefrom the analysis to the population from which firms were drawn. The sam-pling weights are calculated as the inverse of the probability of being drawnand all estimations in this work account for these weights.

In this study, I restrict attention to production workers since they arethe population of interest. This job category usually is unionized comparedto directors and management that never belong to a union.20 In addition,I restrict attention to wages, rather than total earnings, paid to workers.I exclude benefits because results did not change when considering totalpayments at firm level. This suggests that unions affect wages and benefitssimilarly.

Another advantage of the ENESTYC data is that measures of firm outputand employment are available; these variables play a major role in this analy-sis since they are used to calculate labor productivity. The indicator of laborproductivity is measured as the ratio of real output and total hours worked.It is well known that a more precise measurement of productivity would con-sider value-added (VA) rather than output. Unlike the output measurements,the VA calculation does not overestimate the real value produced by the firmbecause the latter subtracts the value of intermediate goods from the market

16The ENESTYC contains detailed information on employment, wages, industry, sizeof firm, firm age, union status (whether a firm has a union or not) and Central affiliation.See appendix 4.1 for a detailed description of the available data on Mexican unions.

17Others category includes confederations such as FAO, FOR, FROT, FSTSE, SNT-MMSRM, CGT, CRT, COR, COCEM, and independent Centrals such as FAT, FNSI,FSI, CTC, COM and UNT.

18It would be interesting to estimate the wage gap among Centrals, before and aftertrade liberalization. Unfortunately, there is not comparable data from years before 1992.

19Big -firms: more than 250 employees; Medium firms: between 100 and 250 employees;Small firms: between 15 and 100 workers and Micro firms: less than 15 employees.

20All specifications in this study were estimated using both production workers and totalworkers. Results did not change.


value of final goods. However, the inclusion of industry fixed-effects in myestimations diminishes the bias resulting from using only output. Moreover,output per hour measures have been used extensively in previous literature.

Table 6 shows the basic characteristics of the ENESTYC survey. Forexample, the 1992 survey includes 5,071 firms that represent 138,774 firmsin the population (i.e., number of firms when weights are used). The 1992survey includes maquila plants in the sample, but these sweatshops, at leastin this year, are not representative of the Maquila industry as a whole. Inthe ENESTYC survey, big and medium non-maquila firms (1,2) were chosenwith 100% certainty, whereas only big maquila firms (1), in specific yearsurveys, were chosen with 100% certainty.21

The lower panel of table 6 shows the date each survey was taken and thereference date of relevant information. For example, the 1992 questionnairesinclude monthly information from March, 1992 and yearly information from1989, 1990 and 1991. Also, the 1992 sample includes firms from 52 industries.

4.2 Cross-Section Analysis

Since there is some evidence of labor unions not changing Central affilia-tion over time (e.g. the predominance of the CTM during the twentiethcentury, the practice of exclusion clauses in labor contracts and governmentinterference in administrative procedures concerning union’s registration), Ifirst report estimates of a conventional log wage equation using a constant-coefficients regression model with Central status as a covariate. In otherwords, I estimate a naıve estimation of Eq. 7 using a cross-section databaseat firm level that contains information on wages and labor unions.

The cross-section specification based on the available data is then:

Ln(Wf ) = a + b ∗ Cf + c ∗Xf + [λs + δt + φi] + εf (10)

where Wf refers to the average real wage level paid by the firm f .22Xf refersto firms’ characteristics such as age and size. The term λs + δt + φi refersto fixed-effects by state, year of survey and industry (see table 7 for a full

21While the last two surveys (1999 and 2001) separate maquila and non-maquila plantsto make these surveys representative of each of these industries, the 1995 survey does notinclude maquila firms. Also, the petrochemical and gas industry (Petroquımica Basica,code 3511), as well as oil refinery (Refinacion de Petroleo, code 3530) were excluded fromeach sample.

22All quantities in this study are in real pesos, unless otherwise specified.


description of variables).23

The inclusion of fixed-effects by industry, state and year (as well as inter-action terms) helps to overcome potential bias in the estimation of the coef-ficient on Central (b). For example, industry fixed-effect controls for differ-ences in returns among industries. Economic activities with higher markupsshould be able to pay higher wages regardless of the firm’s union characteris-tics. There may also exist state-specific institutional and cultural differenceswhich result in wage differentials among confederations. Finally, includingyear dummies controls for exogenous shocks such as the 1995-economic crisis.

Results of Eq. 10 are shown in table 8. Central affiliation is correlated towages. Firms with unions affiliated with the CROC show wages 8.2% belowthose in firms with CTM-unions. However, there are not important wagedifferences between CTM-unions and CROM/Other-unions.

4.2.1 Endogeneity of Central Affiliation

The results from above strongly depend on the exogeneity assumption of theCentral affiliation variable. In this section, I examine both the extent towhich unions change affiliation over time and the determinants of Centralchoice at firm level. In particular, I am concerned with whether attachmentis correlated to wages (i.e., Central affiliation is non-random).

A panel, heavily biased toward bigger firms, can be created to analyzethe dynamics of Central affiliation. Although the ENESTYC does not followthe same firms over time, it is possible to match many firms across surveysbecause each of them includes all big and medium firms. In order to keepas many observations as possible, firm matching was carried out each pair ofyears. Firms from the 1992 survey were matched to the 1995 survey, as wellas to those from the 1999 and 2001 surveys. Firms from the 1995-survey werematched to the 1999 and 2001 surveys. Finally. firms from the 1999 surveywere matched to the 2001 survey. Table 9 shows the number of observationsin each panel and compares them with observations in each original yearsurvey.

The panel shows that firms change Centrals relatively often and more of-ten than their union status (i.e., whether a firm is unionized or not): around6% of unionized firms change Central affiliation per year (table 10), and 2%of total firms change union status per year (table 11). This changing Cen-tral phenomenon was particularly important between 1999 and 2001 whenmore than 10% of unionized firms changed Central affiliation per year. Notsurprisingly, these results are robust to include only medium and big firms.

23Interactions between year and state fixed effects or between year and industry fixedeffects are other potential controls.


In order to verify the importance of unions switching Centrals, I alsoanalyze a four-year panel that includes firms from all the ENESTYC surveys.Table 12 shows that 37% of unionized firms change Centrals at least onceduring the period from 1992-2001, and 37% of those unions switch back totheir initial Central. The year-by-year results of Central changes are similarto table 10.

As mentioned in previous sections, there are two main sources of endo-geneity relevant to this work: (1) Labor unions may switch Centrals depend-ing on firm’s labor productivity and (2) Centrals may adopt different wagepolicies over time. The next sections deal with the first case of endogeneity,but it is still assumed that Centrals do not change their policies over time.The fact that the Centrals’ leaders remain in their position for long peri-ods and that the Central’s statutes also have not changed much over timemake the latter assumption reasonable.24 However, it can still be argue thatCentrals’ policies change according to economic conditions.

One example is the year of 1989 when there was an important agreementbetween official unions25 and the government to contain wages (“Pacto deSolidaridad”) and thereby, reduce the high levels of inflation at that time.The important drop in national wages at this time indicates that, in fact,most unions followed the Pacto, thus changing their wage policies. I arguethat aggressive Centrals were more resistant to following the Pacto thanmoderate Centrals. Thus, the wage demands of the former were still higherduring the 1990s.

A second example of the possible association between economic conditionsand the Central’s wage policies is the 1995 Mexican economic crisis. In table13, it is interesting to notice that during this period, most official unionsswitched to Other Centrals, and the opposite happened during economicstability, when the CTM and CROC received unions that were leaving theOther Centrals. The latter switching-pattern suggests that official Centralsfollowed wage moderation policies in 1995 that made their members look forapolitical Centrals at that time.

The connection between economic conditions and the Central’s wage poli-cies remains an interesting matter to analyze in future research. That beingsaid, what is important for this study is the fact that unions have changedtheir Central affiliation over time, and that the CROC stood as the mainwinner over the long run (1992-2001).

24Fidel Velazquez, Rodrıguez Alcaine, Blas Chumacero are examples of CTM memberswho have leaded the organization for more than thirty years.

25From here on, an official Central refers to a confederation that is affiliated with theLabor Congress which is the main channel of unions to communicate with the government.


4.2.2 Omitted Variable Correction

The first estimation problem that arises because Central affiliation changesover time is that variables correlated with both Central attachment andwages might be omitted. The most obvious omitted variable, as mentionedin section 3, is labor productivity which might well affect wages and Centralstatus. For example, it might be that CTM-unions are associated with high-productivity firms and thus with high wages. This seems, in fact, to be thecase. As suggested by table 14, the estimation of the wage gap between theCTM and the CROC might be upward biased (ΓCRL

> 0).A straightforward strategy to reduce the bias in naive comparisons is to

include as controls the variables that are related to the covariate of interest(i.e., labor productivity should be included in the econometric specificationof Eq. 10). However, if CTM-unions are associated with high-productivityfirms, while other unions are associated with low-productivity firms, then thecoefficient regarding Central affiliation would be downward biased becausepart of the effect of Central status on wages would be attributed to laborproductivity. In the extreme case of perfect collinearity, the coefficient onCentral would not be identified. On the other hand, if the Central affiliationcoefficient remains statistically significant and with the same sign as before(table 8), I can conclude that Central affiliation matters and that CTM-unions can be categorized as pro-wage type.

Table 15 shows the results if Eq. 10 is estimated including labor produc-tivity as a covariate. First, the significance and magnitude of the coefficientregarding Central affiliation do not change much. Second, allowing produc-tivity’s impact on wages to vary among Centrals shows that productivity hasalmost no effect on wages in firms with CROM and Other-unions, and thatthe effect of productivity on wages in firms with CTM and CROC-unions issimilar: increasing productivity by 1% increases wages by 0.11%. Finally,columns (C) and (D), show that the CROM, Other and CTM-unions can becategorized as pro-wage type, while the CROC-unions show the lowest wagesregardless of labor productivity: 6% lower than the CTM’s wages.

An alternative strategy to measure the impact of Central status on wages,and thus reduce the omitted variable bias, is to reduce my original sample tokeep only firms with similar productivity. This reduction in firms sampledmay serve to isolate the effect of productivity on wages, thus allowing acomparison between alike firms that differentiate themselves from each otheronly by their Central attachment. This is possible because an importantnumber of firms in the cross-section sample have similar labor productivityregardless of their affiliation (more than 50% of original observations).

Table 16 shows the results of estimating Eq. 10 including labor productiv-


ity as a covariate and reducing the firms to only those with productivity onestandard deviation from the average.26 Columns (A) and (B) confirm thatthere is some association between CTM-unions and high-productivity firmsas the coefficient of Central affiliation decreases by 0.06 percentage pointswhen labor productivity is included in the estimation.

As before, allowing productivity’s impact on wages to vary among Cen-trals shows that productivity has almost no effect on wages in firms withOther-unions. The effect of productivity on wages in firms with CROC andCROM-unions is half the one observed in CTM-unions: increasing produc-tivity by 1% increases wages by 0.08%. Also, the CROM, Other and CTM-unions can be categorized as pro-wage type based on both the constant andthe interaction term from table 16, column (C).

Although most constant terms are not statistically significant in the cen-sored specification27 with productivity interactions, it can be concluded thatunion’s Central affiliation matters because of two main findings: (1) AmongCentrals, the elasticity between wages and productivity considerably differsand (2) The CROM, Other and CTM-unions show wages above the CROC-unions’ at almost every level of productivity. Specifically, results from thissection suggest that not only do CTM-unions obtain higher wages than otherunions, but they extract more rents than other unions as productivity in-creases.

To further inspect the relationship between Central attachment and pro-ductivity, I estimate a multinomial logit model with Central status as thedependent variable and labor productivity as one of the covariates. Table17 shows that the correlation between the CROM/Other Centrals and laborproductivity is close to zero. The CTM and the CROC, in contrast, aresignificantly associated with labor productivity: increasing productivity by1% increases the probability of being affiliated with the CTM by 1.3%, anddecreases the probability of being affiliated with the CROC by 1.1%.

Besides the omitted variable bias, a less obvious concern is the endo-geneity of labor productivity. In terms of the reduced model in section 3:RL = ϕ0+ϕ1∗Cf +νf and E[νf , εf ] 6= 0. In other words, if wages and produc-tivity are both outcomes affected by Central status, then productivity cannotplay the role of an exogenous, pre-determined control variable in a wage equa-tion. However, it is reasonable to assume that unobservable variables froma regression of Central status on labor productivity are positively correlatedto the unobservable variables in the wage equation (E[νf , εf ] > 0). For ex-

26Average productivity for the sample of study is equal to 234.06 real pesos (LnRL =4.81), and the standard deviation is equal to 1,029.74 (sd(LnRL) = 0.90).

27Censored specification refers to the cross-section estimation using only firms withsimilar labor productivity (i.e., sample with 50,421 observations).


ample, adoption of technology, unobservable information in both equations,should positively affect both RL and W. If this is the case, the estimate ofCentral status obtained in this section would be downward biased. However,in this section, I showed that estimates of the wage gap between Centrals, sofar, were not sensitive to the inclusion of additional control variables. Thenext sections show additional robustness tests.

4.2.3 Instrumental Variables Approach

One problem the cross-section regression leaves aside is that wages may affectCentral affiliation directly. For example, if unions look at the wage differencesamong confederations to measure the Centrals ability to extract surplus, thenwage gaps should affect the unions’ Central choice.

An alternative story behind the possible reverse causality between wagesand Central status is that firms, rather than unions themselves, may choseCentral affiliation. If this is the case, then the employer’s incentives to re-sist high wages would lower the likelihood that any given union facing highmarkups would affiliate with a pro-wage Central.28

One strategy to account for joint determination of wages and Centralstatus is to estimate a simultaneous equation model.29 What is key foridentification in any of these models is having a good set of instruments. Inparticular, in this study, what it is needed are variables that affect Centralaffiliation but have no effect on wages, as well as variables that affect wagesbut do not affect Central affiliation.

There are two sets of potential instruments: current instruments based onvariables at time t, and lagged instruments based on variables at time t− 1.Instruments in the first category are both limited and controversial. Forexample, history indicates that there has been a strong relationship betweenthe PRI and the CTM and in this way, political affiliation at state levelshould have an effect on Central affiliation. At the same time, however, thePRI has been also associated with poor-rural states where democracy hastaken longer to arrive.30

28Previous literature has argued that Maquiladoras (assembly/sweatshops plants) insome regions in Mexico are characterized by protected labor contracts signed between a“ghost” union and the employer. These “ghost” or “white” unions work to the employerrather than to the workers (Carrillo [6] and Quintero [29]).

29In this study, the simultaneous equation model consists of four wage equations (one foreach Central) and a multinomial logit equation for the probability of joining to a particularCentral. See appendix D

30In the appendix D of this research, I show the results of estimating a simultaneousequation model using current instruments. As previously, I find a positive correlationbetween productivity and wages in CTM-unions, while the opposite is observed in CROC-


A better set of instruments comes from using a panel. This panel databaseallows me to include lagged variables as instruments, thus correcting theselectivity bias due to the possible joint determination of wages and Centralstatus. The panel matches six pair of surveys (1992-95, 1995-99, 1999-01,1992-99, 1992-01, and 1995-01) creating more than 12,000 manufacturingfirms observed twice. Most of these firms are medium and big establishments.

I argue that initial Central affiliation is a good instrument for currentCentral affiliation since Cf(t−1) affects Cft and then Wt, but Wt should notaffect Cf(t−1) directly.31 Table 18 shows that around 90% of unionized firmsremained in the same Central over time. This low mobility in attachmentsuggests that there is a strong persistence of union’s initial affiliation, there-fore current and initial affiliation can be used interchangeably to explaincurrent wages.

If Wft is highly determined by its lag and, as I argue, Cf(t−1) is correlatedto Wf(t−1), then it could not be convenient to use Cf(t−1) as an instrumentfor Cft. However, the coefficient from a regression of initial wages on wagesis equal to 0.18 -statistically significant at 1%.32 Although this last resultis surprising, it is known that Mexico has experienced important economicshocks, during the nineties, that has indistinctly affected wages across firms.For example, the 1995 currency crisis in Mexico (December, 1994) can bethought as a firm specific shock that impacted domestic and export-orientedfirms differently. In fact, export-oriented plants even took advantage of thecountry’s economic collapse since they employed Mexican labor but did notrely on Mexican purchasing power.

Given both the low correlation between Wft and Wf(t−1), and the strongdependence of Cft on Cf(t−1), it is possible to estimate:

unions. Wages in CROM and Other-unions are also positively correlated to productivitybut not strongly as in the case of the CTM unions. Also, CTM-unions show higher wagesthan non-CTM-unions. However, it is difficult to be confident of these results because theinstruments used are controversial.

31Initial Central affiliation refers to the union’s Central status in the first year of eachpanel.

32The econometric specifications to estimate the correlation of wages over time were:

Ln(Wf,t) = a + b ∗ Ln(Wf,t−1) + c ∗Xf,t + [λs ∗ δt + φi] + εf (11)


Ln(Wf,t) = a + b ∗ (Ln(Wf,t−1) ∗ δt) + c ∗Xf,t + [λs ∗ φi] + εf (12)

From Eq. 11, b = 0.18 and from Eq. 12 (equation with an interaction term between initialwage and time), b ranges from 0.20 to 0.45. In the case of maquila plants, b=-0.033. Allthese coefficient are statistically significant at 1%.


Ln(Wft) = a + b ∗Xft + c ∗ Cf(t−1) + [λs + φi + δp] + εft (13)

where Xft includes firm’s age and size, labor productivity, as well as politicalvariables.33 As before λs + φi + δp refers to state, industry and panel fixed-effects.

Table 19, from columns (C) to (E), show that using “Initial Central” (IC)rather than “Current Central” (CC) affiliation does not change results much.This is not surprising because Central attachment is highly persistent overtime (i.e., IC is equal to CC for must of the sampled firms). In particular, itis observed that CTM-unions have in average wages 7% higher than CROC-unions, regardless labor productivity. When Central-productivity interac-tions are included, the wag gap between the CTM and the CROC narrowsas firms’ productivity increases (column E). Surprisingly and contrary toprevious sections, CROC-unions are extracting more surplus as productivityincreases.

Using initial Central affiliation as an instrument of current affiliationsolves the problem of the simultaneous determination of wages and Cen-tral attachment. Nevertheless, the estimated wage gap between the CTMand the CROC, using this initial attachment as a covariate, can be readonly as an upper bound estimate because unions may change Central in re-sponse to changes in productivity. If CTM-unions switch to the CROC asproductivity decreases, then low wages would be wrongly associated with theCROC rather than with productivity. In contrast, if increases in productivitymake unions switch from the CROC to the CTM, then high wages would bewrongly associated with the CTM.

Table 20 shows that most of the unionized firms that changed Centralaffiliation had lower productivity relative to those that stayed with the sameCentral. The exception are unionized firms affiliated with the CROC. Evenmore, firms with unions that switched to the CROC can be characterized aslow-productivity. The latter hints that CROC does attract low-productivityfirms while high-productivity firms leave the Central.

Despite the fact that it seems reasonable to argue that unions look foraggressive mediators when productivity is high, unions cutting wages at anycirc*mstance is less compelling as workers usually resist to nominal pay cuts.However, in an environment of increasing international competition, employ-ees tend to be more concerned about job cuts as they are aware of the impactthat aggressive wage demands have on the likelihood of shutting down a firm.

33Gender composition, average employees’ seniority and schooling level were also in-cluded as covariates in specification of Eq. 13 and results did not change.


In order to analyze further the dynamics of Central affiliation at differentlevels of firm’s productivity, I estimate:

4Cft = a+b∗Cf(t−1)+c∗Ln(ProdLf(t−1))+d∗Xft+[λs+φi+δp]+εft (14)

where 4Cft refers to a dummy variable equal to one if the union in firm fchanges Central attachment from t − 1 to t and equal to zero if the unionremains affiliated with the same Central. Cf(t−1) refers to the union’s Centralaffiliation in the first year of the panel. ProdLf(t−1) refers to initial produc-tivity. Interactions between initial affiliation and initial labor productivityare also alternatively included in the estimation. Just as in previous sections,Xft are firm characteristics.

Table 21 shows the results of estimating Eq. 14. In the first two columns,it is observed that labor productivity does not affect the likelihood of switch-ing Centrals when controlling for initial Central attachment. However, whenanalyzing the impact of initial productivity separately Central by Central, Ifind that the probability of leaving the CROC is higher when productivityincreases, and the opposite result is observed when the CROM is considered.Results for the CTM and Other Centrals are not statistically significant inmost of the specifications.

To sum up, figure 1 shows changes in the predicted probability of switch-ing Central at different levels of initial labor productivity by Central andusing the estimated coefficients from table 21, column (D). CROC-unionsattract low-productivity firms, while repelling high-productivity firms. More-over, most of the unions leaving the CROC affiliate with the CTM and OtherCentrals (tables 13 and 20).

In this section, it was shown that the wage gap among Centrals is de-termined by two factors: (1) Selection of unions into Centrals depending onfirms’ labor productivity, and (2) Centrals’ characteristics such as its bar-gaining power to extract rents or its preferences over employment in relationto wages.

4.3 Panel Analysis

4.3.1 Lower and Upper Estimates

The above results show that changes in productivity affect Central affiliation,thus, part of the wage gap among Centrals found in previous sections can beexplained by the former. A panel database allows me to estimate the effectof Central status on wages using first differences and in this way controlling


for changes in labor productivity. At the same time, the specific scheme bywhich unions select themselves into Centrals allows me to estimate lower andupper bounds of the wage gap among confederations.34

The panel specification is:

4Wft = a + b ∗Cf(t−1) + c ∗4ProdLft + d ∗Xft + [λs + φi + δp] + εft (15)

where 4Wft refers to changes in firms average wages, 4ProdLft refers tochanges in productivity.35 Interactions between initial affiliation and changesin labor productivity are also alternatively included in the estimation. Justas in previous sections, Xft are firm characteristics.

The specification in Eq. 15 allows me to obtain a lower bound estimateof the wage gap between CTM and CROC-unions. It is biased because asit was shown before, labor unions leave the CROC for Centrals that arewage aggressive mediators as productivity increases. Thereby, higher wagechanges might be wrongly associated with CROC-unions that switch to theCTM. Table 22 shows results of estimating Eq. 15. Although the CROC stillappears as moderate-wage type in all specifications, the wage gap amongconfederations’ is not as wide as in previous sections. Firms with unionsaffiliated with the CROC obtain wages 3% below those in firms with CTM-unions.

In order to obtain an upper bound estimate of the wage gap betweenCTM and CROC-unions, I estimate Eq. 15 including only firms that did notchange Central affiliation during the nineties.

Table 23 shows that the CROC and Other Centrals can be consideredas moderate-wage confederations: the average increase in wages is 9% lowerin unions affiliated with the CROC/Other than in CTM-unions. Differencesbetween CTM and CROM-unions are close to zero and not statistically sig-nificant in most of the specifications.

Results from estimating Eq. 15, including all firms and only those thatdid not switch Central, suggest that the wage gap between CTM and CROC-unions ranges between 3% and 9%. The elasticity between wages and laborproductivity is higher in CROC-unions relative to CTM-unions, indicatingthat the former have a greater bargaining power over wages. However, lessthan 1% of the firms with CROC-unions have wages above those obtainedby CTM-unions.

34As mentioned in section 4.2.1, six two-year panels were created. Also, see table 9.354Yft = Ln( Yft

Yf(t−1)) where Yft refers to either wages or labor productivity.


On the other hand, table 24 shows the estimation of Eq. 15, includingonly firms with unions that change Central affiliation. It is observed thatunions leaving the CTM obtain on average wages 10% lower than those thatswitched to the CTM, columns (A)-(C). Allowing changes in productivity tovary among Centrals, it is observed that unions that switched to the CROCwere the ones that cut wages the most. In contrast, unions that switched tothe CTM and Others obtained higher wages.

Although previous results are mixed when Other Centrals are considered,it is interesting to notice that these Centrals appear as a pro-wage type: theunions that move to Others gain the most in wages, 10% more than unionsswitching to the CTM (Column D, table 24).

4.3.2 Fixed-Effects Approach

Panel data are particularly useful in answering questions about the dynam-ics of change but also, this type of database allows me to control for firmcharacteristics that do not change over time. If there is any time-fixed vari-able omitted in the cross-section analysis, the use of a panel will reduce anybias resulting from this omission. Next, I use the fixed-effects approach toestimate the impact of Central status on wages, controlling for firm specificcharacteristics that do not change over time (µf ). I would like to estimate:

Ln(Wft) = a+b∗Cft+c∗Ln(ProdLft)+d∗Xft+[λs+φi+δt+µf ]+εft (16)

Therefore, the fixed-effects estimation is:36

4Wf = a + b ∗ 4Cf ∗ Cf(t−1) + c ∗ 4ProdLf + d ∗ 4Lf +4δt +4εf (17)

where terms that do not change over time are differentiated out. 4Xf in-cludes changes in firm size (measured as the change in the number of totalemployees). The interaction term between an indicator equal to one whena union switches Central (4Cf ) and the union’s initial Central affiliation(Cf(t−1)) accounts for the different combinations of switching confederation:from CTM to CROC, from CROC to CTM, from the CTM to Others, etc.

Table 25 summarizes my findings: CROC-unions that did not switch Cen-tral obtained on average wage increases 11% lower than loyal CTM-unions.Also, Other-unions obtained lower wage increases than CTM-unions. CROCand Other-unions that switched Central increased wages 20% and 10% more

36Each firm in my sample is observed twice (t=2).


than CTM-unions that also changed confederation, respectively. In fact, theunions that left the CTM decreased their wages by 6%. This result is notsurprising as it was shown before that CROC-unions switch to alternativeCentrals as productivity increases.

Table 25 also suggests that unions that changed Central increased wages5% more that unions in similar firms that did not change Central, column(E). Therefore, since there is a gain in wages coming from changing Central,it is important to analyze whether all changes involve a gain or it dependson which Central the union switches to.

Table 26 shows that all mover unions gained in wages, but especially theunions that switched to the CTM (column A). These unions obtained onaverage wage increases 20% higher than loyal unions. On the other hand,unions that changed to the CROC make only a 8% wage gain.

In addition, I would like to distinguish between the increase in wages thatdue to changes in productivity and the increase due to changing Centralaffiliation. A term, capturing both whether a union changes Central andwhich Central the union switches to, interacted with changes in productivity,shows that unions that switched to Others Central made the highest wage-profit relative to non-mover unions that faced similar productivity changes.As before, unions that switched to the CROC were the ones that cut wagesthe most (columns from (B) to (C), table 26). In particular, it is observedthat unions that changed to the CROC cut wages in approximately 8%.The same pattern is observed in unions that switched to the CROM, but itis not as strong. On the other hand, unions that switch to the CTM andOther Centrals make a 2% (not statistically significant) and 15% wage gain,respectively.

Although the model of Eq. 17 may yield to imprecise estimators since itmight be subject to biases which render the results difficult to interpret (e.g.different unobserved variables may cause unions to join and exit a particularCentral), the causal story argued in this research about recognizing two typesof unions once again is strengthened. In other words, results from lookingseparately at firms with unions that move from one Central to another areconsistent with the argument of this study.

5 Conclusion

Previous research has neglected the study of the union’s affiliation with na-tionwide confederations, perhaps because there is an apparent low mobilityof unions switching confederation over time or perhaps because, in somecountries, unions have few alternatives to choose from. However, this study


indicates that labor unions in Mexico change their Central attachment rela-tively often and in response to economic factors. Also, these Mexican unionshave had plenty of options when choosing a Central, especially during the1990s when democracy and liberalization created new opportunities for Cen-trals other than the CTM to increase their membership.

Using data from manufacturing firms in Mexico, this research sheds newlight on the importance of this plethora of confederations and their impact onwage determination during the 1990s. Despite difficulties in accounting forhow unions select themselves into Centrals, this research shows that CTM-unions make more aggressive wage demands than other confederations, espe-cially compared to those made by the CROC. Recognizing different types ofunions based on wage demands has important implications in understandingthe performance of the Mexican labor market.

A key implication is that wages respond to productivity shocks: Laborunions switch Centrals as a firm’s labor productivity changes, thus chang-ing their wage demands. Specifically, I find that the likelihood of choosing aCentral is highly determined by the firm’s labor productivity and also impor-tantly correlated with wages. For example, CROC-unions that face higherproductivity are likely to switch Centrals, whereas the likelihood of joiningthe CTM or Others is not associated with productivity. In addition, unionsmake important wage gains as they switch to the CTM or Others Centrals,while unions that move to the CROC cut wages more than non-mover unionswhen facing similar changes in productivity.

This finding -that a union tended to choose to affiliate with a Centralthat cut wages- raises an interesting question that is, unfortunately, beyondthe scope of this study: Is it really the union itself that decides its Centralaffiliation? Evidence from the maquila industry (Carrillo [6] and Quintero[29]) suggests that it is the employer who makes this decision as he has theoption to sign a protected labor contract with a “ghost” union hired by him.It is called “ghost” union because employees from this type of firm are notaware that they belong to the union. This is obviously an interesting areawhere more work is needed.

Overall, the particular scheme by which unions select themselves intoCentrals yields greater assurance about the argument of this study. Accord-ingly, I conclude that the CTM is a pro-wage confederation, while the CROCis characterized by cutting wages to levels lower than other Centrals. Despitethe mixture of confederations included in Other Centrals, this group appearsto be a pro-wage type Central. Results about the CROM are somewhat con-tradictory, and statistically insignificant in most econometric specifications.Besides that, I conclude that wages react, to some degree, to labor produc-tivity shocks because unions recognize this disparity in wage policies among


Centrals. This finding has important implications in how the Mexican labormarket operates.

By general consensus the Mexican labor market has been characterizedas inflexible for several reasons: the poor response of wages to productivitychanges, the existence of minimum wages, and the workers’ resistance tonominal pay cuts. According to various authors, these wage rigidities arepartly explained by the highly restrictive Mexican labor legislation and/orby the mutually dependent relationship between the labor movement and thestate.

My results call this argument into question and show that the umbrellaof labor confederations at the union’s disposal brings some level of flexibil-ity to the Mexican labor market. For example, labor unions may affiliatewith Centrals that make a wage cut easier when facing negative productivityshocks. This was true for medium and big manufacturing firms observed inMexico during the 1990s -a period not only when the economic and politicaltransitions affected the bargaining power of unions, but when the distinctionbetween official and non official Centrals became vague.

Although this work does not focus on wage rigidities, it opens a debateabout the flexibility of the Mexican labor market and its connection to polit-ical matters. My findings suggest that wages react to productivity as laborunions are allowed to switch Centrals. Yet this conjecture is tempered bythe fact that I use both very aggregate information to measure political mat-ters (e.g. political affiliation at state level) and a short period of time for myanalysis. It is also important to mention that this channel, from which wagesrespond to labor productivity, is limited as most unions (around 90%) did notswitch Central during the period of analysis. Therefore, future investigationwill help to enrich this topic.


A Union’s Structure in Mexico

A.1 Mexican Labor Confederations37

The largest Mexican labor confederation is the Mexican Workers Confederation(CTM). This Central claims to have 5.5 million members. Members include thefederal district federation (around two million workers) and its branches operatedin other states, state federations, national unions, and about 10,000 smaller unions.

The Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Confederation (CROC) is the majorprivate sector rival of the CTM. The CROC claims to have between 2 and 4million members. The CROC has a stalwart hotel and a restaurant union, as wellas relatively strong unions in the construction, transport, textile and beverageindustries. Its strength is concentrated in certain regions, such as Guadalajara,Cancun, Mexico City, Manzanillo, Puebla, Veracruz and Tlaxcala.

The Regional Mexican Workers Confederation (CROM) is a third significantprivate sector Central. The CROM claims to have one million members. TheCROM unions tend to be in older industries, such as textiles and construction,and are strong in many local areas.

The Mexican Labor Congress (LC) is a coordinating and research body of33 labor union confederations, federations, and national unions, which representsaround 75% of organized workers. The LC includes seventeen members tradi-tionally linked to the PRI (official Centrals such as CTM, the CROC and theCROM), and sixteen national unions, of which the largest and the strongest is theteacher’s union (SNTE). Other unions participating in the LC include the Stateand Municipal Government Employee Federation (short above 100,000 members),the National Mine and Metal Workers Union (around 80,000 members), and theNational Railroad Workers Union (around 100,000 members).

The National Union of Workers (UNT) was created in November 1997 as analternative to the Labor Congress. The UNT does not seek affiliation with any po-litical party. This labor Central is composed of 160 independent labor federationsand unions that represents 1.5 million members. Members include FESEBS, theUnion of Telephone Workers of Mexico (STRM), and the Union of Metal, Steel,Iron, and Allied Workers (STIHMACS). The Authentic Labor Front (FAT) alsobelongs to the UNT, and claims to have around 50,000 members.

There is an additional group of federations and unions, not affiliated with eitherthe LC or the UNT. The strongest of these federations is the National Federation ofIndependent Unions (FNSI) with about 300,000 workers. Another group is the leftProletarian Independent Movement (MPI), which claims about 200,000 workers.The MPI is centered of the former Mexico City “Route 100” public bus companyunion, which turned itself into a cooperative to operate privatized bus enterprisers.

37This section summarizes the Foreign Labor Trend Report of the U.S. Department ofLabor, the Bureau of International Labor Affairs and the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City,2001.


A.2 Mexican Labor Legislation

The Mexican Labor Law is derived directly from Art. 123 of the 1917 FederalConstitution. This article provided three essential distinctions: (1) Divides workersin two different jurisdictional levels, (2) Gives the state the right to interfere whenthere is a conflict between firm and workers, gives the state the power to lead theConciliation and Arbitration Boards (CAB), as well as a deciding vote in labormatters,38 and (3) Sets down the union’s limits of action. They are limited because,by law, the CABs have the power of deciding whether a strike is legal or not.

The Art. 123 from the Mexican Federal Constitution establishes two jurisdic-tional levels to classify workers: Section A and Section B. The first group coversworkers in the private sector, while the second group covers employees working tothe state. Following, labor unions are classified in two groups: unions affiliatedwith the Federation of Union of in the Service of the State (FSTSE) (Section B),and unions affiliated with the CTM, CROM, CROC, etc (Section A).39

The most powerful Central from Section A is the CTM, a Central that stillhave a great presence in most of the Mexican states and in most of the industries.The FSTE, in contrast, has lost around one third of its members (around onemillion and 600 thousands of workers) such as the teachers’ union (SNTE), theDF-Government union, the subway’s union. By 2001, most unions were affiliatedwith Centrals from Section A. Around 70% of the unionized workers in Mexicowere affiliated with three Centrals: the CTM, the CROC and the CROM.40

The next relevant point from the Art. 123 is the authority the governmententails over the labor market. This government’s control is possible because of hislead over the CABs, because of his ability to declare whether a strike is legal ornot, because of his voting power in collective contracts and minimum wages. Inparticular, the state has the power to ratify or reject petitions related to laborcontracts, wages and employment demands, the authority to control the processof union registration, a condition a union need to become legal.

Registration procedures are in principle relatively straightforward, but in prac-

38The Conciliation and Arbitration Boards (CABs) were established in the end of theMexican Revolution to provide a mean to implement the labor legislation in the country.These boards are represented by members from the business sector, government and unionleaders. Besides union’s registration and labor contract’s filing, the CABs also deals withstrike’s procedures. The tripartite composition of the CABs is determined by the article123, section A, Fracc. XX from the Mexican Constitution. This article establishes thatCABs have to be represented by one member from the government and equal number ofmembers representing the capital side and the workers. Workers and employers are theones who decide their CAB’s members, following articles 652 and 653 from the MexicanLabor Code.

39According to the Art. 123, Fracc. XIII bis from the Mexican Constitution, bankingworkers belong to a separate jurisdictional level and are affiliated with the FENASIB(National Federation of Banking Unions).

40Source: ENESTYC (National Employment, Wages, Technology and Training Survey)- 2001.


tice they are sometimes subject to political influence and purposeful delay. Thecriteria for union registration, originally set in the 1931 federal labor code, have notsignificantly changed since then: unions must have a minimum of twenty mem-bers, all of whom must be at least fourteen years of age, unions must submitto the appropriate authorities notarized copies of the minutes from its organiza-tional assembly and the meeting at which the union leadership was elected, a listof members’ names and addresses (as well as the name and address of the em-ployer); finally, unions must summit their own statutes. Registration petitionsmay be rejected if any of these requirements is not met, and the registering agencymay cancel a union’s registration at any time if it ceases to fulfill these variousconditions (similar requirements govern the registration of labor federations andconfederations).

Finally, Art. 123 determines the operational levels of the CABs. These boardsmust operate in two levels: in industries at federal jurisdiction (i.e., activities that,because of their economic importance, are controlled by the federal government),and in industries at local jurisdiction (i.e., activities that are controlled by author-ities at state level). The distinction between local and federal jurisdiction amongCABs is determined by Articles 123 and 124 from the Mexican Constitution. Thesearticles specify the industries which must be regulated by federal authorities: tex-tiles, electronics, cinematography, rubber, sugar, mining, metals, petrochemicals,chemistry, paper, oil, as well as firms controlled directly or in decentralized wayby the federal government. The rest of the industries must be regulated by localauthorities.

B Data on Labor Unions in Mexico

There are four main sources of data on labor unions in Mexico: (1) The NationalIncome-Earnings Households Survey (ENIGH) published by the National Insti-tute of Statistics (INEGI), (2) The National Employment, Salaries, Technologyand Training Firms Survey (ENESTYC) also published by the national statisticalMexican agency (INEGI), (3) The Mexican Labor Ministry (STPS)41 that pub-lishes information drawn from the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Boards(FCABs), and (4) The Local Conciliation and Arbitration Boards (LCABs).

The ENIGH survey asks household members about their unions status (i.e.,whether they belong to a union or not). Therefore, unionization rates can be mea-sured, at least, at national level and over time (1984-2004). However, the ENIGHquestionnaire misses in asking the respondent about their Central affiliation. TheENESTYC survey, in contrast, includes information about both union and Centralstatus (i.e., firms are asked about their union’s Central name).

The ENESTYC is a large stratified (by employment size) random sample ofmanufacturing firms, national and foreign, in Mexico. The ENESTYC survey has

41STPS stands for “Secretaria de Trabajo y Prevision Social”.


been fielded five times- 1992, 1995, 1999, 2001 and most recently 2004 -thoughonly data from the first four surveys are available. The ENESTYC contains de-tailed qualitative and quantitative information on employment structure, wages,technology, adoption and use, worker training, as well as union status, Centralaffiliation, and participation of unions on collective contracts.

The Mexican Ministry of Labor (STPS) publishes information drawn fromcollective contracts signed by firms and unions at federal jurisdiction. The STPSdatabase contains information at firm level such as unionized employment, union’sCentral affiliation, annual wage increments, industry and firm location at statelevel. While the STPS is the ministry responsible to collect information fromfirms at federal jurisdiction, through FCABs, there is not institution alike to collectinformation from firms at local jurisdiction.42

The LCABs are state institutions that collect information from collective con-tracts signed by firms and labor unions at state level. LCABs collect data aboutsummons, strikes, union registration, as well as wage and employment levels. Eventhough the later information is available at firm level and for all municipalities inMexico, this information has to be collected by hand from the reading of eachcollective contract registered at each of the 200 LCABs over the country.43

C Theoretical Framework

Most theoretical models analyzing the effect of labor unions on wages and em-ployment levels are based on the “Nash Bargaining Model”. This model showsthat the outcome of a bargain between two players -in this case a firm and a laborunion- comes from maximizing the Nash formula (Z − Z)θ(Π − Π)1−θ, where Zrefers to the union objective function and Π refers to the firm objective function.When there is no agreement between players, then the objective functions are Zand Π, respectively. The parameter θ refers to the bargaining power of unions.The higher θ, the greater the union bargaining power.

42The absence of data from firms at local jurisdiction is explained by the autonomy ofthe local CABs with respect to the federal state. However, the INEGI has a department ofadministrative registration that deals with the collection of some LCABs information overthe country. This information is published in the book “Statistics of Labor Relationshipsat Local Jurisdiction”. Unfortunately, this publication does not offer information aboutwages and employment at firm level, it focusses on information about labor disagreementsand strikes.

43In the next step of this research, I explore a database containing information fromfirms at local jurisdiction and with detailed union’s information such as name of the laborunion, union age, among others. In order to compile such a panel data, three LCABs fromthree different municipalities in the Mexican-US border were visited (Tijuana, Victoriaand Ciudad Juarez). For each visited municipality, around 10% and 20% of the yearlycollective contracts were revised. The final database includes unionized employment andwages, name of the firm, name of the labor union, Central affiliation, industry and firmlocation at municipal level.


Theoretical Nash models of wage and employment determination with the pres-ence of labor unions defers among each other in both the union and firm’s objectivefunctions and in the choice variables of each player. For example, while Layard andNickell [19] assume that labor unions maximize the level of wages and employment,Lancaster [18] and Gout [15] assume that unions maximize their participation inthe total output considering the effect of high wages on investment rates.

Another key difference among bargaining models refers to the sequence ofchoosing the wage and employment level through bargaining. For example, laborunions and firms can bargain on wage and employment in just one stage, or thebargaining process can be completed in two stages: in the first stage the wage levelis chosen and in the second stage both players bargain on employment levels.

Following previous literature, the labor union objective function is derivedfrom a median voter framework, assuming that unions maximize a surplus over analternative salary (W ). The utility function of unions is, thus:

Z = L(W − W )

The profit function for the firm is:

∏= R(L)−WL− F


is the income function of the firm and F refers to the firm fixed cost.If it is assumed, as in previous studies, that

∏is equal to F, then the objective

function of the firm in the Nash maximization problem is:

∏−∏= R(L)−WL

Finally, assuming Z and Π are equal to zero, the Nash maximization problemis reduced as:

Case A

MaxW [L(W − W )]θ[R(L)−WL]1−θ (18)

subject to:

RL −W = 0 (19)

Case B


MaxW,L [L(W − W )]θ[R(L)−WL]1−θ (20)

Cases A and B summarize the most popular bargaining models. For example,case A and θ equal to one refers to the “Monopoly Model” (Dunlop [11] and Oswald[27]); in this case the level of employment is unilaterally determined by the firm,while the wage is unilaterally determined by the union taking into account theeffect of wages on employment. The case A and θ between zero and one refersto the “Right to Manage Model” (Nickell [19]); in this case employment is alsounilaterally determined by the firm, but wage is determined in bargaining betweenthe firm and the union. Finally, case B and θ between zero and one refers to the“Efficient Bargaining Model” (McDonald and Solow [22]); in this model the unionbargain with the firm on both wage and employment. The latter type of modelassumes that even though labor unions might not be able to impose employmentlevels; they can interfere in labor flexibility issues through clauses in the contract,clauses about temporal and sub-contracted labor, worked hours, etc.

Manning [21] extents previous models including different bargaining powers foreach decision variable. In other words, while equations 18 and 20 assumed thatthe bargaining power of the labor union on wage and employment is the same,Manning allows for differences. In particular, this author includes and additionalparameter, π, that refers to the bargaining power of the union on employment(θ 6= π). The higher the value of these two parameters (θ and π), the morepowerful the labor union. The maximization problem proposes by Manning issolved in two stages; in the first stage wage is bargained and in the second stageemployment is bargained. In each bargaining stage, the union’s influence on Wand L is different. The Manning model shows that the wage and employmentlevels are determined by the difference between the bargaining power on wagesand employment (θ − π). In particular, if θ is equal to π, then RL = W .

Following, I present the solution of a Nash maximization problem that includesan additional parameter that account for the union’s preferences toward employ-ment and wages. In this particular case, employment is unilaterally determinedby the firm, but wage is determined in bargaining between the firm and the union.Even though labor unions do not bargain for employment levels, unions put someweight on it (φ).

Maxw [Lφ(w − w)]θ[R(L)− wL]1−θ]. (21)

subject to:

RL = w


that can be reduced to:

Maxw [Lφ(w − w)][R(L)− wL]γ (22)

subject to:

RL = w

where γ = 1−θθ

substituting RL = w in Eq. (22), we have:

MaxL [LφRL − Lφw][R(L)−RLL]γ (23)

solving the maximization problem in Eq. (23), we have:

(RL − w) = [γL

R−RLL− φ

LRLL]−1 (24)


(w∗ − w) = [γL∗

R−RLL− φ

L∗RLL]−1 (25)

where L∗ = L∗(w, φ, γ)

It can be shown that ∂w∂φ ≤ 0, while ∂w

∂γ is a function of Lγ .

D Simultaneous Equation Model Estimation

In order to adjust estimations for reverse causality between wages and Centralattachment, I estimate a simultaneous equation model. The system consists onfour separate wage equations (one for each Central) and one multinomial logitequation to estimate the probability of joining to a particular Central. I have:

Ln(Wjf ) = aj + bj ∗Xf + cj ∗ Zwf + [λs + φi + δt] + εf (26)


Cf = a + b ∗Xf + c ∗Zcf +



dg ∗ [ln(Wjf )− ln(Wgf )] + [λs + φi + δt] + νf (27)

where Wjf refers to the average wage paid in firm f with a union affiliated withCentral j. Xf refers to the firm’s characteristics including labor productivity andother characteristics that affect both Central status and wages. The j subscriptin Eq. 26 refers to Central and this equation is estimated separately for each fourCentrals (CTM, CROC, CROM and Other).

Zwf in Eq. 26 refers to exogenous firm’s characteristics that affect wages but do

not affect union’s decision to affiliate to certain Central, such as firm’s gender com-position, job categories (white and blue collar categories), seniority and employees’average level of education. Zc

t in Eq. 27 refers to exogenous firm’s characteristicsthat affect Central status but do not affect wages, such as political variables anda firm’s export-oriented category.

ln(Wjf ) − ln(Wgf ) in Eq. 27 refers to the wage gap between Centrals j andg. The g subscript takes values from 1 to 4 (1: CTM, 2: CROC, 3:CROM and4:Others) and j refers to the Central in firm f . Finally, λs +φi +δt in all equationsrefer to state, industry and year fixed effect.

Although ln(Wjf ) − ln(Wgf ) is not observed for a particular firm, each wagegap from Eq. 26 can be substitute in Eq. 27, resulting in:

Cf = γ0 + γ1 ∗Xf + γ2 ∗ Zf + +[λs + φi + δt]− ε∗f (28)

where Zf includes both Zwf and Zc

f . The outcome ln(WCTMf ) is observed if andonly if Central CTM is chosen by the union. Further, the probability of choosingthe CTM can be estimated from Eq. 28. In particular, I can estimate γ0, γ1 and γ2

by a multinomial logit model and obtain consistent estimators, then it is possibleto estimate:

Pk = Prob(Cf = k) (29)


E[εjf |Cjf > 0, X, Z] = µ(Pk) (30)

Since Central status’ selection in Eq. 28 is specified as a multinomial logitmodel, I follow Francois Bourguignon, et. al. to correct selection bias. In par-ticular, I use the Dubin and MacFadden (1984) method to calculate µ(Pk) andtherefore estimate the following equation:


Ln(Wjf ) = a + bj ∗Xjf + cj ∗ Zwjf + [λs + φi + δt] +

k 6=j

µ(Pk) + ωjf (31)

where ωjf is a residual mean-independent of the regressors. Restrictions over µ(Pk)are required, and the bias corrections proposed in the literature differ precisely inthese imposed restrictions (see Bourguignon, et. al. [4]).

The main concern about the above system is the quality of the instrumentsused in each equation. Firm’s export-status and political variables in Zc

f are allcontroversial instruments. Since export-oriented firms were the most benefited byliberalization policies, Central affiliation should be associated with this category.In particular, pro-employment unions (i.e. unions that follow moderate wage poli-cies) should be associated with firms that face the highest level of competition.However, if export-oriented firms are more efficient than other firms, then wagesshould be higher in these type of firm regardless Central attachment.

Table 28, lower panel, shows that firms open to the foreign market are associ-ated with higher wages relative to firms that do not trade abroad. However, wagesdo not vary much within export/import categories. On the other hand, firmswith imports greater than 50% are associated with the CTM, while the CROC isassociated with low-import and high-export firms.

Political variables should affect Central affiliation directly. For example, stateswith a strong PRI-heritage should be associated with CTM-unions given theirlong lasting relationship over the twentieth century. Also, this study’s argumentsuggests that PRI-localities should be associated with moderate-wage unions aftertrade liberalization policies. Despite the controversy about the impact of a state’spolitical affiliation on Central attachment, I argue that political variables affectwages only through Central status.

Table 28 shows that the labor unions affiliated with the CROC are heavilylocated in non-PRI states such as the Bajio, while the CROM-unions have presencealong the Northeast region. The CTM-unions have strong presence in most of thecountry but especially in the Center and the Bajio. There is no correlation betweenwages and states’ political status, at least at regional level. In fact, the poorestregions in the country are associated with both the strongest and weakest PRI-heritage states.

Although gender composition, job categories, seniority and employee’s educa-tion level clearly affect average wages in a firm, it might be the case that Centralsattract certain type of workers. For example, the CTM might cover more educatedemployees and/or with more seniority. If so, variables in Zw

f (Eq. 26) are not goodinstruments and should be added also in Eq. 27.

Table 29 shows that gender composition, job categories and schooling withinproduction workers are good instruments to include in Zw

f since these characteris-tics do not vary importantly among Centrals. Since seniority appears particularly


low in firms with CROC-unions, the system of equation from above is estimatedwith and without this variable as an instrument.

Table 30 shows the estimation of the system from equations 26 and 27. Asprevious results, there is a positive correlation between productivity and wages inCTM-unions, while the opposite is observed in CROC-unions. Wages in CROMand Other-unions are also positive correlated to productivity but not as strong asin the CTM case.

The negative correlation between productivity and wages in firms with CROC-unions is consistent with the story where the CROC appears as pro-employmenttype: unions facing loses in productivity are willing to affiliate to a Central thatmakes the wages cutting easier.

As before, bigger firms are associated with higher wages and this is true for allCentrals. Gender, job categories within production workers, seniority and school-ing have the expected impact on wages and it is similar among Centrals. Firmswith a high men-women ratio show higher average wages; more educated or moreskilled employees also increase the average wage paid, and more seniority translatesin higher wages.44 The exceptions are the CROC where more educated employeesare paid less and the CROM where more skilled production workers are paid less.

The first step estimation (the multinomial logit equation, not included in table30) shows that the PRI-state variable was not significative associated with most ofthe Centrals but it was correlated with wages. Therefore, the PRI-state variablewas not consider as an instrument but as a covariate that affects both Centralstatus and wages. Table 30 shows that CROC and CROM-unions in states with astrong and long presence of PRI-governors are associated to low wages. The samewith Other-unions although the effect is not as strong.

Table 31 shows the predicted wages for each Central based on the estimatedcoefficients from two econometric specifications: (1) Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)model that does not correct for the simultaneous determination of wages and Cen-tral status and (2) Selectivity Bias Correction (SBC) model defined in equations26 and 27.

As previous results, the wage gap between Centrals is positive and statisti-cally significant only between CTM and CROC-unions. Column (A) from table31 include all instruments described in table 27. However, since the 1995 sur-vey does not include some employees’ information such as gender composition,job-categories, schooling and seniority, this year is excluded from the analysis incolumns (A) and (C).

In order to keep as much observations as possible, column (B) includes only in-struments available in the 1995 survey, such as the export-import category. Finally,column (C) replicates estimation from column (B) without the 1995 information.Excluding data from 1995 lower the wage gap between CTM and CROC-union inaround 4 p.p.

Based on the most complete specification (column A), I conclude that the wage

44Including or not seniority as an instrument do not change results.


gap between the CTM and the CROC is important and at least equal to 14%. TheCROM and Other-unions appear as pro-wage unions only when the 1995 survey isexcluded for the analysis. Otherwise, their wage demands are not much differentto the CTM’s.

Tables 15 (column C) and 31 (column B, OLS estimation) include same vari-ables but in the latter case I estimate the wage equation separately for each Central.The predicted wages are similar: using estimated coefficients from table 15 (col-umn C), the predicted wage gap between CTM and CROC-unions is equal to 19%,and between CTM-CROM and CTM-Other are -0.69% and 3.35%, respectively.All wage differences are statistically significant.

It is important to mention that wage gaps in this section are bigger thanprevious gaps based on the estimated coefficients on Central since calculation ofpredicted wages use not only the estimated constants but the estimated coefficientsrelated to all firm’s characteristics.

What should be learned from table 31 is that results from the OLS and theSBC model are almost the same. There are three possible interpretations of thisresult: (1) There is no selection through ability, then differences in wage demandsreflect different Central types, (2) Wage gaps are explained by ability but instru-ments in the SBC model are weak, and (3) Ability determines wage gaps but wagedifferences among Centrals are not big enough to generate selection.



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Figure 1: Labor Union’s Predicted Probability of Changing Central

Source: ENESTYC.



Table 1: Monthly Average Wage by Central

(Real Dollars)Central 1992 1994 1999 2001 Obs.No Unionized Firms 836 771 220 206 2,410

Unionized FirmsCTM 957 1,038 254 283 2,240

CROC 869 971 218 254 630

Diff CTM-CROC (%) 10.2 6.9 16.4 11.5

CROM 984 938 281 274 220

Others 884 1,049 281 301 1,062Exchange rate tripled from 3.28 to 9.09 pesos per dollar between 1994 and 1999.

Calculations using weights, except for Obs.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 2: Central’s Participation in Unionized Labor Market

Unionized EmploymentYear No. Workers CTM CROC CROM Others1992 1,492,667 58.0 10.7 5.0 26.3

1999 2,031,459 57.9 14.5 4.2 23.4

2001 1,863,190 57.5 15.5 4.9 22.3

Unionized EstablishmentsAll Firms

Year No. Firms1992 18,984 52.7 17.3 6.3 23.6

1999 24,054 45.0 20.0 4.6 30.5

2001 26,681 51.6 23.3 4.2 21.0

Old Firmsa

Year No. Firms1992 13,350 50.9 13.5 7.6 28.0

1999 10,842 44.1 15.7 6.6 33.6

2001 8,868 53.0 20.6 3.2 23.2

New FirmsYear No. Firms1992 5,634 56.9 26.5 3.3 13.2

1999 15,212 45.6 23.0 3.2 28.2

2001 17,813 50.9 24.6 4.7 19.8a Cut off to categorize old and new firms: December, 1984.

Calculations using weights and including Maquila.

The 1995 survey does not include Maquila plants.



Table 3: Central’s Participation in Labor Markets by Industry

Unionized Employment ParticipationCTM CROC

Economic Activity 1992 1999 2001 1992 1999 2001Food, drinks and tobacco 65.3 63.1 64.3 9.7 15.6 15.6

Textiles 49.9 54.8 51.0 15.2 18.8 26.6

Wood 43.3 56.8 54.8 12.1 23.3 27.9

Paper, printing and editing 51.3 42.0 56.1 8.0 9.2 9.8

Chemicals, rubber and plastic 54.1 47.1 51.8 9.1 15.0 12.3

Non-metallic minerals 48.6 51.5 48.6 9.3 13.8 9.2

Basic metals 36.9 29.8 52.6 2.4 2.5 3.4

Metals, machinery and equipment 58.1 65.4 62.6 9.5 11.8 10.0

Other manufacturing industries 46.9 52.9 66.1 4.4 11.3 7.6

Total Employment ParticipationFood, drinks and tobacco 44.2 35.6 33.5 6.8 8.3 8.2

Textiles 36.4 32.8 31.9 11.2 12.6 15.8

Wood 17.2 21.0 19.9 4.8 7.1 9.6

Paper, printing and editing 31.2 19.7 28.0 4.5 4.2 4.9

Chemicals, rubber and plastic 47.1 38.6 41.5 7.4 11.3 9.9

Non-metallic minerals 33.1 28.8 24.0 6.5 6.5 4.5

Basic metals 35.9 31.3 52.1 2.3 2.4 3.1

Metals, machinery and equipment 41.1 40.0 37.7 7.0 8.0 6.1

Other manufacturing industries 37.9 28.7 37.4 4.0 6.6 3.1Calculations using weights and including Maquila

The 1995 survey does not include Maquila plants.



Table 4: Unionization Rates in Mexico

Survey 1984 1989 1992 1994 1996 1998/99 2000/01 2002 2004ENIGH 18.8 19.9 13.7 12.8 11.4 11.9 11.6 11.5 12.6ENESTYC 52.4 42.3 45.7 44.4ENIGH: Household survey which includes individuals who work in any economic sector.

Years available in the ENIGH: 1984, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004.

ENESTYC: Firm survey which includes firms from the manufacturing sector only.

Years available in the ENESTYC: 1992, 1994, 1999 and 2001.

Calculations using weights.


Table 5: Unionization Rates by Industry and Region

Industry and Region 1992 1999 2001Total 52.4 44.9 44.5

Manufacturing Sectora

Food, drinks and tobacco 52.7 40.7 38.6

Textiles and apparel 60.9 49.0 45.1

Lumber and wood 31.5 28.4 26.6

Paper, printing and editing 41.8 33.0 35.1

Chemicals, rubber and plastic 54.6 50.4 55.0

Non-metallic minerals 54.0 42.7 40.1

Primary metals 66.0 66.5 66.8

Metals, machinery and equipment 51.8 46.9 52.5

Other manufacturing industries 61.2 46.2 35.3


Bajio 47.8 35.5 39.6

Center 55.9 50.3 48.2

Northeast 58.2 60.5 58.8

Northwest 33.9 27.4 30.1

South 48.2 40.4 35.4a The ENESTYC does not include firms in petroleum refining and related industries.

Calculations using weights and including Maquila.

The 1995 survey does not include Maquila plants.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 6: ENESTYC Characteristics

No. PlantsYear ENESTYC Maquila Firms Inc. 100%a

Obs. Weights Census Included No-Maquila Maquila1992 5,071 138,774 Yes 1,2

1995 5,242 222,222 No 1,2

1999 7,429 310,703 344,118 Yes 1,2 1

2001 8,856 336,695 337,462 Yes 1,2 1

Reference Dateb No. IndustriesSurvey was taken: Monthly Yearly Included

1992 From April to October, 1992 March, 1992 89,90,91 52

1995 From August, 1995 to March, 1996 March, 1994 93,94 52

1999 From August to November, 1999 June, 1999 97,98,99 52

2001 From August to November, 2001 June, 2001 99,01 54a ENESTYC is a stratified survey that included some firms with 100% certainty:

b Firms from the ENESTYC are asked about monthly/yearly information in specific dates.

Big firms with more than 251 employees (1) and Medium firms, between 102 and 250 employees (2).

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 7: Variables’ DefinitionsVariable Definition

Labor Central Distinguishes between firms with unions affiliated with theCTM, the CROC, the CROM or Others. The category ofreference is the CTM.

Firm Age It refers to the firm’s number of operating years.Firm Size Distinguishes between big-size firms (more than 250 em-

ployees), medium-size (between 101 and 250 employees),small-size (between 16 and 100 employees) and micro-size(below 16 employees). The category of reference is big sizefirms.

PRI-state Dummy variable equal to one if a state had had only PRIgovernors over the period of 1970 to 1992, and if these gov-ernors had won with wide margin (i.e., with more than 70%of the votes).

Region Distinguishes among different regions in Mexico: Ba-jio (Aguascalientes, Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan and Na-yarit), Center (DF, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Mexico, More-los, Pueblo, Queretaro and Tlaxcala), Northeast (Coahuila,Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosı, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas),Northwest (Baja California Norte and South, Chihuahua,Durango, Sinaloa and Sonora) and South (Campeche, Chi-apas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruzand Yucatan). The reference category is Bajio.

Industry Distinguishes between nine manufacturing sectors: Food,beverage and tobacco; Textiles, clothes and leather indus-try; Wood industry; Paper, printing and editing; Chemi-cals, rubber and plastic; No metallic minerals; Basic metals,Metals and machinery; and Other manufactures.

State Distinguishes among the 31 states in Mexico and the capi-tal.

Year Distinguishes between four years: 1992, 1995, 1999 and2001. The year of reference is 1992.

Unionization Rate The percentage of unionized employees with respect to thetotal workers.

Labor Productivity Measured as the ratio of real output and total hours worked.Total Employment Total number of employees (unionized and non-unionized)

in the firm.


Table 8: Cross-Section Specification

Variables (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)Cons. 0.97a 0.87a 0.90a 1.06a 1.01a 0.77a 1.03a

CentralCROC -0.15a -0.13a -0.09a -0.08a -0.09a -0.082a -0.087a

CROM 0.02b 0.03a -0.0004 0.01 0.008 0.007 0.002

Others -0.05a -0.06a 0.03a 0.0.03a 0.02a 0.03a 0.02a

Firm Age 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a

Firm SizeMedium -0.09a -0.09a -0.09a -0.09a

Small -0.20a -0.20a -0.20a -0.20a

Micro -0.24a -0.24a -0.24a -0.24a

PRI-State 0.06a 0.29b 0.07a

RegionCenter 0.15a

Northeast 0.11a

Northwest 0.10a

South -0.10a

Industry No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

State No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

State*Year No No No No No Yes No

Industry*Year No No No No No No Yes

N 97,336 97,336 97,336 97,303 97,302 97,303 97,303

R2 0.02 0.04 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.25Dependent variable: Ln(Average Real Wage of Production Workers).

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 9: PANELSa

1992 1995 1999 2001 Obs.Total Obs. 5,071 5,242 7,429 8,856


No Maquila Firms

x x x x 906

x x 3,037

x x 3,067

x x 1,682

x x 1,439

x x 1,531

x x 1,068

Maquila Firms

x x 350a The numbers in this table do not consider weights.

Matching firms over four surveys reduces observations to 906 firms.

On the contrary, matching firms over two surveys reduces

observations to about 2,300 firms per panel.

Source: ENESTYC.

Table 10: Changes in Central Affiliationa

Panel (Two years)Obs: 1992-95 1995-99 1999-01 1995-01 1992-99 1992-01

Total Firms 3,037 1,682 3,067 1,439 1,068 1,531

Unionized Firmsb 2,150 1,424 2,528 1,177 918 1,290

Change Central 361 326 572 219 229 289

(%) 17 23 23 19 25 22a The numbers in this table do not consider weights.

b Unionized firms include plants that provided the name of their Central.

Only around 1% of unionized firms did not provide their union Central name.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 11: Changes in Unionizationa

Panel (Two years)Obs: 1992-95 1995-99 1999-01 1995-01 1992-99 1992-01

Total Firms 3,037 1,682 3,067 1,439 1,068 1,531

Change Union-status 228 100 185 102 62 120

Union to No-union 115 48 109 57 29 64

CTM-(%) 53(45) 62(69) 57(62) 71(67) 56(60) 55(71)

No-union to Union 113 52 76 45 33 56

CTM-(%) 51(70) 52(68) 49(30) 58(45) 58(62) 48(55)a The numbers in this table do not consider weights. The numbers in parenthesis are the exception. For example,

53% (without weights)/45% (with weights) of the firms changing union status were affiliated with the CTM

Source: ENESTYC.

Table 12: Changes in Central Affiliationa

Panel (All years)Obs: 1992-2001 1992-95 1995-99 1999-01

Total Firms 906 906 906 906

Unionized Firmsb 684 684 684 684

Change Central 255 98 148 160

(%) (37) (14) (22) (23)1992-2001

Change Central: Change Central and:

Never 429 (63) Switch Back 95 (37)

Once 118 (17) Never Switch Back 146 (57)

Twice 123 (18) Other 14 (5)

Three times 14 (2)a The numbers in this table do not consider weights.

Panel (All years): Include firms that were found in all four surveys.

b Unionized firms include plants that provided the name of their Central.

Only around 1% of unionized firms do not provide their Central name.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 13: Changes Among Centralsa

Panel (Two years)1992-95 1995-99 1999-01 1995-01 1992-99 1992-01

Switching Patterns (%)b


CTM to - 27.4 45.1 35.0 45.7 37.6 35.6

CROC to - 12.5 22.1 14.5 16.4 18.8 16.6

CROM to - 10.0 9.5 8.4 14.2 7.4 11.4

Other to - 50.1 23.3 42.1 23.7 36.2 36.3


- to CTM 43.2 27.9 40.0 24.2 34.1 37.7

- to CROC 26.3 13.2 21.3 20.6 17.0 21.8

- to CROM 10.5 8.0 7.9 8.2 7.9 6.6

- to Other 19.9 50.9 30.8 47.0 41.1 33.9

Losers and Winners (B-A)

CTM 15.8 -17.2 5.1 -21.5 -3.5 2.1

CROC 13.9 -8.9 6.8 4.1 -1.8 5.2

CROM 0.6 -1.5 -0.5 -5.9 0.4 -4.8

Other -30.2 27.6 -11.4 23.3 4.8 -2.4a The numbers in this table do not consider weights.

b Switching Patterns (%) refers to the percentage of unions changing affiliation from one Central

to another. For example, CTM to - refers to unions that leave the CTM, and

- to CTM refers to unions changing affiliation from non-CTM to the CTM.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 14: Labor Productivity by Central

(Value of Output per hour in Real Dollars)Central 1992 1994 1999 2001 Obs.No Unionized Firms 19.4 31.9 4.5 5.1 2,410

Unionized FirmsCTM 62.9 83.1 14.8 18.9 2,240

CROC 47.9 48.4 10.3 12.7 630

Diff CTM-CROC (%) 31.3 71.7 43.3 49.0

CROM 199.8 96.4 12.4 15.9 220

Others 141.8 57.1 13.2 17.8 1,062Exchange rate tripled from 3.28 to 9.09 pesos per dollar between 1994 and 1999.

Calculations using weights, except for Obs.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 15: Cross-Section Specification with Labor Productivity

Variables (A) (B) (C) (D)Cons. 0.76a 0.63a 0.66a 0.52a

CentralCROC -0.083a -0.093a -0.057a -0.085a

CROM -0.003 -0.002 0.43a 0.41a

Others 0.03a 0.02a 0.34a 0.31a

Firm Age 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a

Firm SizeMedium -0.07a -0.08a -0.07a -0.08a

Small -0.16a -0.16a -0.15a -0.16a

Micro -0.17a -0.17a -0.17a -0.17a

PRI-State -0.11 0.03a -0.13 0.03a

Ln(Labor Productivity) 0.08a 0.08a 0.11a 0.11a

Ln(Labor Productivity) InteractionsCROC*ProdL -0.005 -0.001

CROM*ProdL -0.09a -0.09a

Others*ProdL -0.07a -0.07a

Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Yes Yes Yes Yes

State*Year Yes No Yes No

Industry*Year No Yes No Yes

N 93,253 97,253 93,253 97,253

R2 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28Dependent variable: Ln(Average Real Wage of Production Workers).

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 16: Censored Cross-Section Specification with Labor Productivity

Variables (A) (B) (C)Cons. 0.73a 0.30 0.08a

CentralCROC -0.091a -0.085a 0.24

CROM 0.062a 0.091a 0.31

Others 0.046a 0.057a 0.57a

Firm Age 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a

Firm SizeMedium -0.07a -0.08a -0.07a

Small -0.16a -0.16a -0.15a

Micro -0.17a -0.17a -0.17a

PRI-State -0.11 0.03a -0.13

Ln(Labor Productivity) 0.10a 0.16a

Ln(Labor Productivity) InteractionsCROC*ProdL -0.08a

CROM*ProdL -0.06a

Others*ProdL -0.13a

Industry Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes

Year Yes Yes Yes

State*Year Yes Yes Yes

N 50,421 50,421 50,421

R2 0.32 0.34 0.34Dependent variable: Ln(Average Real Wage of Production Workers).

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.

The censored sample include only firms with one standard deviation

far from the average labor productivity.


Table 17: Effect of Labor Productivity on Central Affiliation

Variables CROC CROM OtherMultinomial Logit

Cons. -1.33 -25.83a -1.22

Ln(Labor Productivity) -0.16a 0.08a -0.03a

Firm Age -0.003a -0.001 0.002b

Firm Size

Medium 0.42a 0.37a 0.21a

Small 0.23a 0.45a 0.19a

Micro 0.21a 0.62a -0.37a

PRI-State -3.15 -3.47c -2.06c

Marginal effects of Ln(Labor productivity)

Dependent Var. dy/dx Sd. Dev.

CTM 0.013 484.76

CROC -0.011 898.83

CROM 0.000 1.30

Other- 0.002 417.48N=98,733. R2=0.19.

Industry and State*Year fixed effect are included.

The dependent variable (Central affiliation) takes 4 values:

CTM (category of reference), CROC, CROM and Other.


Table 18: Central Affiliation Dynamics

Panel 1992-1995a

CTM92 CROC92 CROM92 Others92

CTM95 95.7 4.3 3.0 10.9

CROC95 1.3 92.0 7.3 4.0

CROM95 0.7 1.8 86.3 1.0

Others95 2.2 2.0 3.4 84.2a Same results are obtained when using the other five panels.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 19: Cross-Section Specification: IV Approach

Variables (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)Cons. 0.63a 0.31a 0.65a 0.38a 0.36a

Current and Initial Central∗ CC ICCROC -0.10a -0.13a -0.09a -0.07a -0.29a

CROM -0.10a 0.35a -0.08a -0.07a 0.48a

Others -0.07a -0.05 -0.03a -0.03a -0.04

Firm Age 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a 0.002a

Firm SizeMedium -0.06a -0.07a -0.06a -0.07a -0.07a

Small -0.11a -0.10a -0.11a -0.10a -0.10a

Micro -0.11a -0.11a -0.10a -0.11a -0.10a

PRI-State -0.04b -0.05a -0.05a -0.05 -0.05

Ln(Labor Productivity) 0.11a 0.12a 0.11a 0.11a 0.12a

Ln(Labor Productivity) InteractionsCROCini*ProdL 0.001 0.04a

CROMini*ProdL -0.08a -0.10a

Othersini*ProdL -0.002 -0.003

Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel*State No Yes No Yes Yes

N 22,122 22,122 22,122 22,122 22,122

R2 0.19 0.25 0.19 0.24 0.25Dependent variable: Ln(Average Real Wage of Production Workers).

CC: Current Central and IC: Initial Central affiliation.

∗The first two columns include Current Central (CC) as covariate, while columns C, D and E include

Initial Central (IC) as covariate. Productivity in all specifications refers to current productivity.

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 20: Changes in Central Status and Initial Productivity

Initial Initial productivity of firms that %Central Change Central No Change Central Changea

CTM 273.4 271.6 11.7

CROC 206.1 178.7 32.2

CROM 232.1 411.2 20.3

Others 263.7 280.9 35.0

Initial productivity of firms that change Central toCTM % CROC % CROM % Other %

CTM 161.2 25.6 267.9 7.2 317.6 66.8

CROC 197.9 78.5 284.0 8.1 207.3 13.4

CROM 298.8 25.2 231.3 55.2 147.5 19.7

Others 259.8 62.0 232.4 31.5 453.0 6.5a % of unions that change Centrals, using the full sample of firms.

Calculations using weights.

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 21: Union’s Probability of Change Central

Variables (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)Cons. -1.65a -1.55a -1.48a -1.68a -1.52a

Initial CentralCROC 0.44a 0.46a -0.68a -0.63a -0.51a

CROM 0.65a 0.57a 1.67a 1.92a 1.40a

Others 0.92a 0.95a 1.00a 0.94a 0.98a

Firm Age -0.002a -0.003a -0.002a -0.003a -0.003a

Firm SizeMedium 0.13a 0.06b 0.12a 0.12a 0.06c

Small 0.07b 0.02 0.09a 0.07b 0.02

Micro 0.04 0.06 0.12a 0.06 0.07c

PRI-State -1.24 0.17b 0.07 -1.21 0.16b

Ln(Initial Productivity) 0.02b 0.02c 0.03b 0.02 0.12

Ln(Initial Productivity) InteractionsCROC*ProdL 0.23a 0.21a 0.20a

CROM*ProdL -0.20a -0.24a -0.16a

Others*ProdL -0.01 0.003 -0.005

Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel*State Yes No No Yes No

Panel*Industry No Yes No No Yes

N 22,549 22,897 22,904 25,549 22,897

R2 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.18Dependent variable is Current Central affiliation:

Firms can be associated with the CTM, CROC, CROM or with Others.

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%. c Statistically Significant at 10%.


Table 22: Panel Specification: IV Approach

All firmsVariables (A) (B) (C) (D)Cons. 0.37a 0.002 0.36a 0.004

Initial CentralCROC -0.03b -0.03a -0.02c -0.03a

CROM 0.11a 0.04b 0.11a 0.05a

Others 0.07a 0.06a 0.05a 0.06a

Firm Age 0.0004 -0.0001 0.0004 0.000

Firm SizeMedium -0.09 -0.03a -0.01 -0.03a

Small -0.01 -0.02b 0.01 -0.21b

Micro -0.09a -0.13a -0.08a -0.13a

PRI-State -0.12a 0.28 -0.08a 0.29

Productivity Changes 0.008b 0.009b 0.001 -0.01a

Productivity Changes InteractionsCROCini*4ProdL 0.03a

CROMini*4ProdL -0.02a

Othersini*4ProdL 0.09a

Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes

State*Panel No Yes No Yes

Industry*Panel No No Yes No

N 25,935 25,935 25,935 25,935

R2 0.27 0.31 0.30 0.31Dependent variable: Changes in Average Real Wage of Production Workers.

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 23: Panel Specification: IV Approach

Firms with unions that do not change Central affiliationVariables (A) (B) (C) (D)Cons. 0.48a 0.12 0.38a 0.12

Initial CentralCROC -0.09a -0.08a -0.09a -0.08a

CROM 0.07a 0.11 0.04b 0.03

Others -0.09a -0.08a -0.08a -0.09a

Firm Age -0.0009a 0.0007a 0.0008a 0.0008a

Firm SizeMedium 0.02 0.005 0.001 0.007

Small 0.04a 0.04a 0.03a 0.04a

Micro -0.01 -0.05a -0.004 -0.05a

PRI-State -0.10a -0.32 -0.07a -0.32

Productivity Changes 0.02a 0.03a 0.03a 0.03a

Productivity Changes InteractionsCROCini*4ProdL 0.03b

CROMini*4ProdL -0.09a

Othersini*4ProdL -0.04a

Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes

State*Panel No Yes No Yes

Industry*Panel No No Yes No

N 17,181 17,181 17,181 17,181

R2 0.20 0.26 0.23 0.26Dependent variable: Changes in Average Real Wage of Production Workers.

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 24: Panel Specification: IV Approach

Firms with unions that change Central affiliationVariables (A) (B) (C) (D)Cons. 0.22b -0.33 -0.33 -0.34

CentralCROC -0.10a -0.09a -0.09a -0.09a

CROM -0.10a -0.11a -0.11a -0.11a

Others -0.16a -0.12a -0.12a -0.13a

Firm Age -0.002a -0.001a -0.001a -0.001b

Firm SizeMedium -0.01 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003

Small -0.05b -0.02 -0.02 -0.03a

Micro -0.21a -0.18a -0.18a -0.19a

PRI-State -0.54a -0.13 -0.13 -0.11

Productivity Changes 0.08a 0.07a 0.07a 0.06a

Productivity Changes InteractionsCROC*4ProdL -0.13a

CROM*4ProdL -0.007

Others*4ProdL 0.10a

Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes

State Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes

State*Panel No Yes No Yes

Industry*Panel No No Yes No

N 4,649 4,649 4,649 4,649

R2 0.21 0.29 0.29 0.30Dependent variable: Changes in Average Real Wage of Production Workers.

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 25: Panel Specification: FE Approach

Variables (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)Cons. 0.02b 0.02b 0.04 0.08 0.12

Initial CentralCROCini -0.18a -0.18a -0.18a -0.11a -0.11a

CROMini 0.17a 0.17a -0.08a -0.02 0.01

Othersini -0.05a -0.05a -0.05a -0.06a -0.07a

4C -0.12a -0.12a -0.09a -0.06a -0.06a

Change and Initial Central Interactions4C*CROCini 0.23a 0.24a 0.18a 0.22a 0.19a

4C*CROMini -0.09a -0.10a -0.07b 0.07b 0.03

4C*Othersini 0.08a 0.09a 0.10a 0.09a 0.10a

4Prod 0.04a 0.02a 0.02a 0.03a 0.03a

Change Central and Productivity Interactions4C*4Prod 0.07a 0.06a 0.05a

4L -0.14a -0.14a -0.14a -0.08a -0.08a

Change Central and Employment Interactions4C*4L 0.01a -0.06a -0.03b

Panel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

State*Panel No No No Yes Yes

Industry*Panel No No Yes No Yes

N 20,799 20,799 20,799 20,799 20,799

R2 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.22 0.25Dependent variable: Changes in Average Real Wage of Production Workers.

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Table 26: Panel Specification: FE Approach

Variables (A) (B) (C) (D)Cons. 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11

CROCini -0.11a -0.10a -0.10a -0.10a

CROMini 0.01 0.009 0.009 0.009

Othersini -0.07a -0.07a -0.07a -0.07a

4C -0.09a -0.09a -0.09a -0.12a

Change and Initial Central Interactions4C*CROCini 0.08a 0.06b 0.06b 0.06b

4C*CROMini -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.05

4C*Othersini -0.02 -0.04c -0.04 -0.04c

Change to CTM 0.20a 0.22a 0.21a 0.25a

Change to CROC 0.08a 0.07a 0.07b 0.13a

Change to CROM - - - -

Change to Others 0.01 0.006 0.007 0.04

4Prod 0.03a 0.03a 0.03a 0.03a

Change to Central and Productivity Interactions4C*4Prod 0.05a

Change to CTM*4Prod 0.02 0.02 0.02

Change to CROC*4Prod -0.08a -0.08a -0.07a

Change to CROM*4Prod -0.04 -0.04 -0.06b

Change to Others*4Prod 0.16a 0.16a 0.15a

4L -0.08a -0.08a -0.08a -0.08a

Change Central and Employment Interactions4C*4L -0.007

Change to CTM*4L 0.001

Change to CROC*4L 0.10a

Change to CROM*4L -0.14a

Change to Others*4L -0.08a

R2 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.26Dependent variable: Changes in Average Real Wage of Production Workers.

Industry and State*Year fixed-effects are included. N=20,799

a Statistically Significant at 1%. b Statistically Significant at 5%.


Tables: Appendix

Table 27: Instrumental Variables’ DefinitionsVariable Definition

Gender Composition It refers to the proportion of men and women that work ina firm. Proportions are calculated for total and productionworkers.

Education It refers to the employees’ average years of schooling. Thisvariable is calculated for total and production workers.

Seniority It refers to the employee’s average years at work. Thisvariable is calculated for total and production workers.

Job Categories It refers to the proportion of directors, employees and pro-duction workers employed in a firm. According to theENESTYC’s definitions, “Employees” include profession-als, technicians, supervisors and administrators. Also, pro-duction workers can be sub-categorized between skilled andunskilled workers.

Initial Central Status It refers to the union’s Central status during the first yearof each assembled panel. For example, in the panel 1992-1995, Cf(t−1) refers to the union’s Central affiliation in1992, while Cft refers to the union’s Central affiliation in1995. The same for the rest of the panels

Political Variables It refers to the political affiliation at state level.Export-oriented Distinguishes between firms where exports are (1) greater

than 0%, (2) greater than the average exports of unionizedfirms (6.01%) and (3) greater than 50%.

Import-oriented Distinguishes between firms where imports are (1) greaterthan 0%, (2) greater than the average imports of unionizedfirms (2.82%) and (3) greater than 50%.


Table 28: Possible Instruments (Zc)

Region Real CTM CROC CROM Others PRI-States (%)b

Wagea % 1992 2001Bajio 2,552 59.9 32.7 4.9 7.5 100.0 20.0

Center 2,960 56.6 15.6 5.1 22.7 100.0 37.5

Northeast 2,904 48.9 11.5 0.9 38.7 100.0 60.0

Northwest 2,922 45.3 16.6 27.0 11.1 66.7 66.7

South 2,474 42.3 12.9 9.3 35.5 100.0 62.5% in Northern regionc

Exports-Imports All firms MaquilaX = 0% 2,143 48.9 21.5 5.1 24.5 17.7 56.0

X > 0% 2,931 51.3 17.2 4.2 27.3 19.7 57.2

X > Mean% 2,947 50.6 18.5 4.7 26.2 24.0 57.5

X > 50% 2,888 52.7 17.9 4.2 25.2 24.0 57.0

M = 0% 2,130 48.8 21.7 4.6 25.0 17.6 46.6

M > 0% 2,997 50.7 17.7 5.9 25.7 26.1 58.8

M > Mean% 3,003 52.7 17.8 4.7 24.9 26.0 59.2

M > 50% 2,950 60.2 12.1 4.3 23.4 33.1 61.8a Wage in real pesos. Exchange rate in 2001 is equal to 9.3 pesos per dollar.

b PRI-States (%): Refers to the % of states in each region that had a PRI-governor in 1992 and 2001.

c % in Northern Region: Refers to the % of firms located in the Northern region of Mexico. All firms account for all firms

in each category and Maquila accounts only for Maquila plants.

X: Exports, M: Imports.

Source: ENESTYC and IFE


Table 29: Possible Instruments (Zw)


Instrument CTM CROC CROM OthersJob categories

% Directors 7.6 7.5 9.1 6.6

% Employees 24.7 19.7 27.3 23.0

% Prod. workers 67.7 72.8 63.5 70.4

Prod. workers categories

% Skilled 32.1 31.4 35.6 37.8

% Unskilled 67.9 68.6 64.4 62.2

Gender (Prod. workers)

% Men 73.3 73.7 73.9 69.3

% Women 26.6 26.3 26.1 30.7

Education (Years of schooling)

Total 9.5 8.5 9.8 9.7

Prod. workers 8.0 7.7 8.5 8.2

Seniority (Years at work)

Total 5.2 5.0 5.9 5.5

Prod. workers 4.5 3.8 4.5 4.9Source: ENESTYC.


Table 30: Cross-section with Selection Bias Correction

Variables CTM CROC CROM OtherCons. 0.45a 4.14a 2.12a -0.25

Ln(Labor Productivity) 0.08a -0.01b 0.06a 0.04a

Firm Age -0.0002 -0.002a -0.002a -0.0007a

Firm Size

Medium -0.08a -0.01a -0.18a -0.06a

Small -0.20a -0.18a -0.25a -0.17a

Micro -0.21a -0.28a- 0.32a -0.10a

PRI-State 0.11 -0.96c -1.68a -0.03a

Gender 0.14a 0.14a 0.49a 0.15a

Skilled Prod. Workers 0.29a 0.19a -0.12a 0.36a

Schooling 0.004a -0.02a 0.006 0.03a

Seniority 0.005a 0.009a 0.006b 0.004a

Selectivity Bias

CTM - 2.45a 1.38a -0.58a

CROC 0.30a - 0.23 0.24a

CROM -0.43a -0.25a - 0.22a

Other 0.14a -0.82a -1.55a -

N 31,802 13,654 2,896 16,589

R2 0.30 0.39 0.48 0.37Industry and State*Year fixed-effects are included.

The dependent variable is Ln(Average Real Wage of Production workers) by

Central (CTM, CROC, CROM and Other).

Source: ENESTYC.


Table 31: Predicted Wagesa


Central Predicted Wage (Real Pesos)

CTM 2,466 2,466 2,711 2,712 2,425 2,425

CROC 2,152 2,155 2,307 2,312 2,132 2,141

CROM 2,605 2,609 2,733 2,728 2,596 2,583

Other 2,524 2,524 2,622 2,623 2,493 2,493

Wage Gap (%)

CTM-CROC 14.4 14.6 17.5 17.3 13.7 13.3

CTM-CROM -5.5 -5.3 -0.8 -0.6 -6.6 -6.1

CTM-Other -2.3 -2.3 3.4 3.4 -2.8 -2.7

N 65,233 64,941 93,251 92,959 64,941 65,233a Predicted wages based on estimated coefficients basedon:

Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Selectivity Bias Correction (SBC) models.

(A) More instruments but data from 1995 not included.

(B) Less instruments but data from 1995 included.

(C) Less instruments and data from 1995 not included.

Source: ENESTYC.


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