The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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Thursday February 11 1937 40 Records Events Buffalo Evening News Auctions General (Continued) DIED JOHN LANDSHEFT DIES Daily Calendar cuo or nuns The family of the UM Walter Ogarsaly wishes to tipwi their appreciation to Mr Book pallbearer and frlenda for the kindness shown to them during their recent bereavement OPART ALT TAMILT DR M'CRORY DIES OF GUNSHOT Mrs Marion Fetterley WATERTOWN Feb' 11 Northern New "child bndj1 of 70 years sgo Mrx Marion Fci terley died Wednesday at Iheage of S3 She was 13 yean old show when she married Joseph LaLonde in Clayton near here Six children bom of that marriage survive her TlIO auction sale Friday 2 at Bm et warehouse electric washing mechinez like new brand new lounging chairz brand new 3-pieco living room mite veins 5245 severs! other living room nltez lot of rugs 10 drasserz ehlffonlerz electric radloz table model gas range like new end ethers werdrobez 8-piecs walnut dining room suite several other dining room suitez rocket breakfast seiz circuiting heater blrdseye maple bedroom suite with box springs end mattress ez walnut bedroom suite bedz comping mlrrara clockz brand new two-ln-cn living room tablez brand new dinette snd drop-leaf tables dtohez poto Pni kid dies' toyz trunks lamps coucbcz glass curtains end tablez etc everything ta be sold without reserve Welsh tier ti oncer GRant 9539 Auto Commercial Care CHEVROLET 1934 2-yard dump body aj hoist 9437 oU need to license Plata Louis Engel Jr 1173 Main at Podge Dodge 1934 to -ton I3i-uch 750x20 duals good condition a rest bargain ot 6325 Truck Oo 91 Jewett iODGK Chevrolet Ford truckz $75 uz Sinclair Motor Corp- 1469 Main st T'kODGE 2-ton 1935 long wheelbase chassis and cab $297 needs a little fixing Louie Engel Jr 1178 Main at Dodge TOORD 1934 lie -ton' 157-lnen 32x8 duals very clean end repainted a unite to choose from 829X Truck Co 21 JewetL pORD Jong wheelbase 4-eyllnder stk" body duel tires very dean Louie ll Rising Temperature Cloudy Forecast Events THE WEATHER Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Office Buffalo Feh 11 1937 Forecasts until 7:30 Friday Foe Buffalo and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight with slowly rising temperature lowest about 20 degrees Friday party cloudy with rising temperature Fresh winds mostly southwesterly For Western New York: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday Slowly rising temperature forecast: Prepare Cloudy shipments to reach destination by 7:30 Friday for temperatures as follows: All directions 15 de grees Slowly rising temperature tonight Rising temperature Friday Weather In Principal Cities Temperature High Wed Thur past Night Jr 1176 Mein at Podge ORD 157'' WB stake body 7 excellent 1 tlrez vsry low mileage epee is I Wednesday snd Thursday only 1395 1221 Mein ft TTIORD 1934 Vfa-ton pend excellent ap-pearanc and condition: real buy a light panel 9315 Truck Co East JewetL T71REUHAUF trallerz new and need largo stock 106 Michigan WA 6737' GM a model 42 2-ton 12-ft high rack body 326 ten-ply dnelz run- ta nlng condition 9165 Truck Co 31 JewetL GM 1934 2tt-ton chassis end cab 34x7 duals motor recondition ad and appearance vary good 6525 Track Co 21 Jewett NTERNATIONAL 1933 panel 9225 iff A to buy one litre this for less Louis Engel Jr 1175 Main et Podge INTERNATIONAL 1934 lta-ton chassis end cab: duel wheels: 5245 termz Horace Ferguson Inc 760-550 Fillmore RBO 1-ton panel 5117 ready forworZ Lent Engel Jr 1175 Main st Dodge STEWART 1933 1-ton panel the cleanest used truck In Buffalo Lento Engel Jr 1178 Main at Dodgr con A ilvsye I Selvsye 4 DVKRTISIMnrt WATERWORKS Becllon'i Furnishing east Iron water Pipe Sratton SA winbe reeeitwTh city ot win be received or "jSriL York at the Common CounoU Cham her tho City BuUding untU eight i elmsk Mj on February 18 1037 at whteh tima ano idee they will be publicly openeo id rT7alInformkli( for Blddorz Tho Information rar Contract Form SEper- tloss and brms of Bid ntdhmoVfl cVthOumn Engineers Nicholas S- and East 19th Street New York city ana copies thereof obtained nPop fj $500 for each seL Any bidder bidder upon returnlne such set Mwnptjir and in sood condition wUl bo refunded XhTcftyt of Olean reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to ra- eif hiddermust deposit with hie i bid security loan amount of not less thsn fiVeoer centum 5 )of the baa bid in tho form' nd subject to the conditions provided in tho Information for Bidders Attention of bidder Is particularly called to the requirement as to mnlorment to bo observed end minimum wee rate to be pM under the contract w-KrVtimated coat of the work tab performed under tbto contrect to: Section bld witMn 45 dare otter the octnal data mt tha open- OF OLEAN NEW YORK Bv WTLUAM DONIQAN City Clerk GILBERT MILHZ City Engineer TATE OF NEW YORK-pepartment of C) Conservation Water Pwr and Cm trol Commission In the Matter of (no the Water Power end Control CoinniiMion wlU meet1 In Town Hall Orand Island to tho County of Erlz on the 25th dy oi February 1937 at 10:00 clock In forenoon' of that day to the hearing 11 persons tionz municipal corporstloni or other civil divisions of the State of ftew York tnat may be affected by the ezrantion of use plans of the Orand Island Water Dtotriet No 3 for securing a new and additional supply ef water plans for whtab nsvs been filed with the Water Power trol CommiuloDe ot 1U office in Awonr where the eame ore open for pnb lie inspection end for Uju determining whether said plana tied by public necessity vheUwrtF provide for tha proper sndssfe construction of all work connected therewith whether OI ou wors munn they provide for tho proper proteetton oi tho supply ana watershed from contsmins- UN luupiy Kflo WRWlMira 7" tion or provide for the proper fUtrstlon of such additional supply end whether the seme are Just snd equitable ta the cm iBKYiv in jum other nunloilltiei jnd civil division 01 uvacr muaKNHsiuwa the State of New York to the habitant thereof sMeetfd thereby snd whether said plane make fair end equitable provisions for the determination and payment of any and all leeal damaee to persons and property both direct end Indirect which will result from the execution thera- Th execution of anch plans may affect lands situate In the county of Erie may also affect the flow of water In streams flowing In or through or underground waters in the county of Erie the riparian rights on sold streamz end also the water rights of sold streams All peraonz waterwork corporation municipal corporations or other civil divisions of the State of New York who have objection to the execution of said plsnz in order to be heard thereon must file such objections thereto in writing in tho office of the Water Power and Control Commission In the city of Albany on or before the 24th day of February 1937 Every objection so filed must particularly specify the grounds thereof No person waterworks or municipal corporation or local authority eon be heard in opposition thereto except on objections so filed Dated Albany Feb 8 1937 WATER POWER AND CONTROL COMMISSION WILLIAMS Secretary to tho Commission feblllt Advertisem*nt for bids Buffalo Sewerz A Project No Sealed bids for furnishing and erecting Sewage Sludge Dewatering and In cineration Equipment for the sewage treatment plant to he built on Bird Island at- a part of tho Intercepting Sewer and Sew age Treatment Project will be received by the Buffalo Sewer Authority at Room 202 City Hall Buffalo New York until 11:00 A M- Eastern Standard Time on the fourth (4th) day of March 1937 at which ttma and placs they will be publicly opened snd read aloud The work to divided Into two contract divisions as follows: DIVISION Eludes Dewaterine Equipment This division includes the furnishing erecting and placing In satisfactory operation of all equipment required to dewater digested sewage sludge DIVISION Incineration Equipment This division includes the furnishing ereot-ing Macing in satisfactory operation and the supervision of operation for specified period of all equipment required to dry and incinerate dewatered disested sewage sludge and to deodorise ell products of combustion and vapors therefrom The estimated cost of tha work In Division VII is 690000 and In Division VIII 922500000 Proposal! and contracts are made on the basis ef lump sum snd evaluated bids Tho Instructions to bidderz form of contract plsnz specifications snd forms ef performance maintenance and patent Infringement surety bonds may he examined at the office of the Buffalo Sewer Authority Room 202 City Hall Buffalo New Tork and a copy thereof obtained upon deposit of 92S0X to bo refunded upon returning such set In good condition within thirty (30) days after the opening of the Tho Buffalo Sewer Authority reserves the right to waive any Informalities in or reject any or all bids No bids will bo accepted however except with the prior approval of the Project Engineer of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Bid security by cash or certified check In the amount of 94500 for Division VII snd 11230 for Division VJII or 1 bid bond in the amount of 522500 for Division VIZ and 556250 for Division VIII Is required subject to the conditions provided In the Instructions to Bidders This contract shall be performed In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Attention of bidders Is particularly called to the requirements a to conditions of employment to be observed end minimum wage rates to be paid under the eon-trecL No bidder ebell withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual data of the open-ins thereof Any bidder may withdraw hi bid prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt ef bids BUFFALO SEWER AUTHORITY (Signed) DANIEL McCARRIAGHER Chairman Dated: February 4 1937 Buffalo feb4ll Auctions General A UCTION aalz Saturday Feb IX 1 and 7 219 Main at East Aurora: antiquez household goodz damaged freight etc Antique furniture etc today by auction 42 Michigan Wels- bsuer auctioneer (Con Neat Mm) FEBRUARY 1937 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 THE ALMANAC (Eastern Standard Time) Sun rose today 7 19 A Bun sets today 5:42 Length of day Tea houra 23 minutes CHANGES First quarter Feb 17 10:50 Pull moon Feb 25 2:43 A Lest quarter March 4:17 A New moon March 12 2:43 Venae and Saturn evening starz Mercury Mars and Japltbr morning starz Feb 11 In History Steamer Buffalo Evening New Almanac A Year A Glenn! Bartholomew 57 Buffalo attorney died Seven Americana were held prisoners in tho central part of Ethiopia New York Assembly passed a Mil permitting women to alt on all New York State Juries Weather Snow IX Poor Richard Where sens la wanting everything le wanting Events Thursday Dinner 1 American 1 Society for Metals Hotel Buffalo Dinner Credit Association of Western New York Hotel Buffalo Dinner Alpha Theta Bigma sorority Hotel Lafayette Dinner and party World Wide guild of Dels ware A Venn Baptist church chnrch social rooms Dinner South Buffalo Businessmen's association Msrz Bowlins rink Seneca street near city llnz 7:00 Dinner Buffalo Opthalmologle elub Hotel sutler 7: Dinner dance Buffalo School Bn-glneerz 199 Delaware avenue 7:30 Boy Scout Scoatoramz 106 Armory Fornm service talk "How to Prepare Yourself for a Mias Theodosia Howlltt Riverside Adnlt Education center Riverside United Presbyterian chnrch Ontario and Gallatin streets Fornm service talk Social Emmanuel Baptist church Rhode Island street and Normal avenne Card party Parent-Teacher association of School SL SL John's hall East and Grace streets Meeting Gyro elnb Buffalo Ath-letlc elnb Delaware avenue 8:30 Meeting Catholic Study club Hotel Buffalo Events Friday All day Boy Scout Seoutoramz 106th armory Meeting Convention committee Rotary elnb Buffalo Athletic club 12:30 Meeting Columbia alumni Buffalo Athletic club Meeting Children's Aid society Buffalo Athletic club Meeting Mutual Millers and Feed Dealerz Hotel Buffalo 12:30 Meeting Lincoln Republican club Hotel Statler 1:00 Uncoln party Toscanla post American Legion 199 Delaware avenue Card party Buffalo Whist club Hotel Statler Dinner Frontier Laundry elub (Hotel Lafayette Dinner Mutual Millers end Peed Dealerz Hotel Buffalo Dinner 8oelety of Automotive Englneen Hotel Sutler 7:30 Dinner Penn State College alumni Hotel Touralnc 8:00 Meeting Own chapter Order of the Eastern Star Tyrian temple East Utica end Purdy streets Meeting Chaplain Cook comp Sons of Union Veteranz A hall Elmwood avenue and Virginia street Card party Queen Alexandra lodge Order of Daughters of St George 475 Franklin street Card party DaughteTZ 590 EUIcott street Card party Cold Spring Spiritualist church 1445 Jefferson avenne Valentine party Comp Conrt Lehigh 646 I Delta temple 092 East Utica street 8:00 Valentine party Amleltla society 400 Hickory street Lincoln party Old Tymtrz" 600 Wins pear avenne 8:00 Dinner dance Iota Sigma Rho sorority Buffalo Trap and Field club Checktowaga Meeting Buffalo Stamp club Hotel Statler 8:00 Meeting Bison Ladies Bowling association Hotel Statler Meeting Cheektowaga post Veterans of Foreign Warz Fire hall Randolph street near Dost streeL Meeting Bison post Veterans of Foreign Warz 267 Virfinia street Meeting auxiliary Millard Fillmore post Veterans of Foreign Warz 888 Broadway 0:15 Meeting Niagara Frontier poet American Legion 027 Grant streeL Meeting Vlmy poet Canadian Legion Polish Union hall Flllmora avenua near Broadwky Concert Buffalo Philharmonic orchestra Lojos Shuk conductor Elmwood Music hall 0:30 Lecture on tho historical aspect of the exhibition of modern bronsez Robert Tyler Daviz Albright Art gallery 9:00 Fornm service talk "The Forum Idea" Arthur Nagle Neighborhood house Clinton and Gorskl streets 9:00 Sapper dance Buffalo Alumnae of Alpha Sigma Tan sorority Hotel Statler 9:00 Dance Girl Scouts Hotel sutler University of Buffalo prom Hotel Statler Sapper dance Hotel Statler the hotel BIRTHS Certificates filed In the Bureau of Vital Statistics Bureau of Health up to 3 -Feb 11 Beys were bern ta Mr and Mrs! Henry Vcrpoten 90 Hartwell rd 2 Leo Sekerat 150 ScovUle ave Michael A Pantanz 236 Albany st Earl Murray Ebeneser Edward A Mllbrandt 299 Wolts ave 2 Edward McCarthy 142 Merrimae ave 1 Stephen Kublak 21 Concord st 1 WiUcem Harnett 572 Eagle at Joseph Genco 149 14th at 1 Joseph Gallano 326 Niagara st Leo Gallivan 551 Highgate ave Walter Cline 8202 Buffalo sve Niagara rail Joseph Ciisek 139 Ashley at 3 Csslmlr Caglelaki 1499 Broadway 2 LaVornc Carrier 176 Tuscsrora rd Girls were bon Mr and Mrs: Philip steuhenz 44 Trinity pi 1 Shelby Shultz 83 Tanpa dr West Seneez Vernon Peterson 38 Pasadena at-Wllliamsvllle Peter Pavlakta 511 North Oak st Psrtee 18 Morlcy et Archibald Laldlaw Holland Clarence Korey 24 Camp at 1 Ervin nine 1482 Abbott rd 2 Zygmunt Jsnuchowski 462 Gold st 1 Otto Prank 97 Denmort st 1 Edward Bishop 207 Delsvsn eve 1 Thomas Beamish 632 Hopkins sL 1 Byard Achey 326 Fox at AS AN 1137 Are and LeCron's in the HERMAN In Buffalo Feb 9 1937 Bnma wifa of the late Georg Herman: mother of Lydia and Sadie slater of Mrs John Grenaebaeh Mrs Rica Herman of Buffalo Julius Dietrich of Lincoln Neb Mm Frank Wtesemaa of Santa Ana Oallf the late Mm George CL Degen Charles and Bdward Dietrich Funeral from her late residence 194 Humboldt parkway Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Friends invited to attend lOtll In thU city Feb IX 1037 Thomas Sr beloved husband of Freds Straaser father of Tirglnla Robert Grace A Richard Thomas Jr Joanetta Marilyn Hostings brother of William Robert Charles and Dewey Hostings Mrs William Blrtch Mm Nunn Funeral from family residence 133 Hewitt avenne Saturday afternoon at 2:30 Friends Invited to attend Deceased was a member of Kensington Post 70S American Legion and Charles Cushman Lodge 07X F- a A Funeral under the auspices of Kensington Post 70A American Legion 11U3 HOCLGKATE In Buffalo Feb 1037 Charles brother of Mm Clara Fuller of Chicago: HI Henrietta and Loniat Honlgravc of Buffalo Funeral private In Irving Feb 1037 Fidelia mother of Sadia and the late Arthur Kennedy sister of Hanover Bennett Funeral service from family residence Friday Feb IX at 2 Interment in Mission cemetery lOtll In this city Feb 14 1937 August beloved husband of Paulina BUlcrbeckr father of August Albert William and Regina Krashrl Mm A Hegar Mm Hein and Mm Lee and the late Mrs Gres-sel and Mm Lichtenthal Funeral from tha family residence 197 Herman street Saturday morning at 9:15 and from SL Marr of Sorrows church at 10 o'clock Friends invited to attend Deceased was a member of 8L Anthony's society Iltl2 In this city Fbb IX 137 John Landabeft husband of Clara Fitch Landabeft father of Charles Landsheft of West Orange Funeral private from Forest Lawn chapel Friday afternoon Suddenly at Clarence FM 1937 Elvira (nee Schntt) wife of the late Richard sister of Mm Sara Fite and George Schntt Funeral from her late residence Rancom atrecL Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Interment in Fillmore cemetery Clarence lOtll la Buffalo Feb 1037 Sara widow of the late Thomas Lawler: mother of Edward of Ken-more Mary A Esther Clara end Mm Rank Ward of Buffalo Mark A of Coudersport Fa Leo of Pittsburgh Pa Mm Joseph Tanghaa of Stow and the late Alice also a niece Mrs Charles Fox of Utica Tha faneral will be held from the home 90 Crescent avenue Friday morning at and 10 o'clock at St Tineent de church Interment in ML Olivet cemetery lOtll MATTLE Entered into rest on Feb 10 1937 Bernice inee Likshlsi beloved wife of the late John Mattie mother of Bernard Joseph and Emilia sister of Harry Ukshis of Worcester Mass Funeral from her late residence 243 North Division street on Saturday morning at 0:15 'clock and at St church at 0 o'clock lends invited to attend Iltl2 In Kenmore Feb IX 1937 John husband of Mary Ratter Me-Crory father of John and Margaret Ann MoCrory brother of Victor of Pond-du-Lae Wis and George McCrory of Appleton Wis Memorial aervics at the Forest Lawn chapel Riday afternoon st 4 o'clock Friends invited to attend Feb 1937 at her home 110 Claremont avenue Anna daughter of the late Bias A and Charlotte Miller The funeral will take pace from the Arthur Legg faneral home 757 Elmwood avenne Riday afternoon at 3 Friends arc invited to attend lOtll MORITZ In this city Feb 1937 Joseph beloved hnaband of Lillian Va-esnti father of Joseph Jr son of Mary and the late John brother of the late John Mra Mery Becker Albert and Rancee Funeral from tha family residence 477 Schiller street Riday morning at 9 and from St: Agnes church at 10 Friends are invited to attend lOtll In this city Ptb 11 1937 Charles husband of the late Elisabeth (nee Schmuttermayer) father of Mrs Anns Smltbcr Charles a Frank and the late Elisabeth Ober-sheimer Deceased was a member of Concordia Lodge 14X A Funeral from the residence of his son Rank 53 Hager avenne Sunday at 3:30 under the auspices of Concordia Lodge lltlS FFOHL Feb IX 1937 Lena wife of the late Fred mother of Clarence Pfohl sister of Mrs Sarah Zinc Mrs Marsaret Brown of Geneva and Mm A A Beers of Leavenworth Kan Fnneral from the restdenor of her son Mr Clarence Pfohl 145 Johnson street Rider at 2:30 Friends are Invited to attend Interment In Buffalo cemetery Pine Hill QUIGLEY In Kenmore Feb 9 1937 William husband of Xna Price Quitler father of Murray and Jean Quisle? Funeral from the family residence 27 Knowlton avenne Riday morning at 0 and from St church at 9:15 o'clock Friends invited lOtll In this city Feb IX 1937 George beloved husband of the late Elizabeth (nee Ostheim) father of George and Mrs Florence WoUcnberg Funeral from his late residence 165 Orange street Saturday st 2:30 Rends invited Iltl2 On Thursday Feb 11 in the doth year of his see at St hospital New York Charles Taylor Rhodes of Buffalo son of the late Beniamin Rhodes of Niagara Falla and Julia Taylor Rhodes Interment at Riverside cemetery Oswego Saturday 11 o'clock Feb 5 1937 at Miami Fla Harry Roblin beloved husband of Sadie (Use Weber) father of Mrs Samuel Block brother of Joseph Daniel Xugene Mrs Robert Harris Mrs Fannie Greenberg and Mrs Nathan Jacobs Tho fnneral will take pise at his late residence 530 Bird av Buffalo Riday afternoon at 2:30 Friends are Invited to attend lOtll 5AR5NETT Feb 1937 Georgs brother of Mra Minnie Arthur Mrs Jeanett Godkln Mm Ranees Watson end Mm Edith Martin Fnneral from hie late residence 253 Cedar streeL Friday afternoon at 2 and from St James church Spring and Swan streets at 2:30 Rienda are invited Deceased was a member of tho Buffalo Poliea department lOtll gCHMIDT In Dayton Feb 10 1937 Oeorge beloved hnaband bf Mary (nee Zwergen father of Mm Irena Maine Mrs Mildred Raffs end Oeorge Schmidt Jr of Gowanda brother of Fred Schmidt of WlUiamsvlUe also leaves six grandchildren Fnneral from residence Saturday Feb IX at 2:30 o'clock Friends invited to attend Interment la Fin Hill cemetery Gowanda Feb 11 1937 Patrick M- hoe-band of Mary A Sheehan (nee Master-son) father of Francis Sheehan brother of Thomas A and Mrs Frank Chamberlain Mrs Katherine PltL Fnneral from tho family residence 30 Garner avenue Saturday morning at 9:30 and from the Church of the Annunciation at 9 o'clock Rochester and Cleveland papers please copy lltia SI9TER MARY COLCMBA SCHENCK 8 in WilliarnsvillsL Feb' 9 1937 daughter of tho late Bernard and Mary nee Denttngeri sister of Bernard of Water loot Ind and Mary A of Aldan and tho lota George Ludwig end Mrs Susan Ball Fnneral Friday at 10 o'clock from SL Mary of tha Angels Wtlliamsvilie Friends invited SPADE Feb 11 1937 in Buffalo Louisa Spade formerly of Rrdonls widow of Henry Spade mother of Georgo Etner of Buffalo Funeral services at Johnson Wilkins funeral home 445 Delaware avenne on Riday afternoon at 1 o'clock Friends ora invited to attend Interment at Fra-donis TEATCH Suddenly in Buffalo Feh 11 1937 Leslie beloved hnaband of Laura Holman and father of Mm Lillian Evans Rmcral services from tho Buffalo Crematory chapel (Delavan avenne) Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Rienda era Invited to attend Friends may eall at hie late residence The Stur-vesant Apartments until noon Saturday lit 12 Feb 1937 Barbara Anna wife of the late Rank and mother of the Rev Francis Waneamacher Mm Percy HunL Mm John Hogan Edmund Wanenmacher and tho late Mm Leo Dwyer Faneral from tho family residence 202 Richmond avenne Riday morning at 10 and from tho Church of tho Holy Angela at 10:30 Friends ora Invited to attend Flowers gratefully declined lOtll Feb 9 1937 Jacob hnaband of tho late Ranees Schoenwalt father of Hoy and George Warner and Mm Carl Owen of Akron Fnneral bom hia late residence 25 Baxter at Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Riende invited to attend Interment In Purest Lawn cemetery Burial under the auspices of Omega Lodge No 259 a iotu Veteran Pharmacist Had Operated Shop for 60 Years From the ranks of Buffalo pharmacists had gone today a man who took pride in calling himself not a druggist hut an apothecary a term unfamiliar to the present generation He was John Landsheft 77 one of the oldest pharmacists in Buffalo who died Wednesday in the shop at 836 Niagara street he had operated for 50 years An early gradu- Landsheft te th University of Buffalo school of pharmacy Mr Landsheft devoted his activity to the preparation of prescriptions He disliked the sandwich-bar and novelty counter departmentalization of latter day drugstores Mr Landsheft who lived 9n the floor above his shop went on duty as usual Wednesday but soon afterward complained of illness He died shortly afterward in tfie rear room of the shop Surviving him are his wife Mrs Clara Landsheft and a son Charles Landsheft of West Orange Private funeral services will- be held Friday afternoon in Forest Lawn cemetery Dr Ralph Hindman minister of the First Presbyterian church of which Mr Landsheft was a member for 40 yean will conduct the service Mrs Minnie Baker 56 Dies After Long Illness Three and a half months after the death of her husband Mrs Minnie Baker 56 of 20 Mt Vernon street an active church worker died early this morning in Mercy hospital She had been ill for about a year Funeral services will be held in the home at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon and in Gxace Lutheran church a half-hour later Burial will he in Orchard Park cemetery Born in Buffalo Mrs Baker attended Buffalo public schools She had been a resident of South Buflalo for the last 27 years and was active in Anxiliary 232 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and in Grace Lutheran church She was a member of the Aid society the Altar guild and the Bible class of the church Her husband was Frederick Baker a railroad engineer Surviving Mrs Baker are two sons Frederick and Edward Baker two listers Mrs Andrew Eberz of Syracuse and Mrs Frank Becherer of Westfield and one brother Philip Zoeller of Buffalo Robert Pointer WEST BRANCH Mich Feb 11 (A1) Robert Pointer 75 colorful political figure who once received his own Peoples Progressive party nomination for president died here today He received the nomination in 1924 after Henry Ford had refused it Miss Helen Ross TROY Feb 11 Miss Helen Ross English Instructor at Russell Sage college died unexpectedly Wednesday as she left a class in Gurley hall Coroner John Clinton gave a cerebral hemorrhage as the cause of death BITS OF NEWS ACCIDENTS WetoesJay-Mrs Ann Csrdeneta 48 of 56 Goats onto collision 3:30 Vanderbilt and Dsver treated at tba Emergency hoepitsl for cat on com and bruises on lego FIRE RECORD Alarms sounded since 3 Wednesday: 5:31 Carolina end Whitney ante little damage 5:20 Foot of Georgia scow little damage 6:49 2B70 Bailey shanty little damage 7:24 104 Dante vacant building: little damage 7:43 201 Chicago aprinkler in building: no damage 9:39 317 Love joy chimney little damage STOLEN AUTOMOBILES The following automobile was reported stolen to police: Plymouth Sedan license 7B-69X owned by Steven Wlerbowekl 1197 East Rrry street RECOVERED AUTOMOBILES The following automobile wee reported recovered by Coupe owned by Dr Nelson Russell 467 Ltnwood dvenue SCRATCHES Alamo Downs Credit System 3 Count cotton Pitkin Uttla Honey Grand Sweep Thoughtful My Bow Over Rose Chiearo Boy 3 BUI Rock Konssscitian Rush Flay Theodors I Myrnn Misstep Marsoolos Queen Unlucky King Fara Four Merry Go Round Marlon Burr Augess Farad Stop Broadway Wild Society Editor Myrtle Brooks Genevieve Sir Setln Clear and fast Put time 2:45 Fair Gronnis 2 Blnjer Legion Girl Fleet Miss Petrovs Sonsy Boy Pot of Fire 1 Miles Stsndish Morris Griner Terry Lass Slonx Chief Lora Lost Dark Burner 4 Heartbreak 5 Wlasrd Down In Front Chinese Empress Kat Harri Notice 7 Houle Friend Longus Loys Ormond Gee Gee Trek Kuvlto Eighth substitute race declared off Clear and fast Post time 3 Hialeah Park Balance Step Ueanmayklt Van NUys 3 Crystal Prince Over Yonder Marion Company Miss Pecan Job Jub Mar-fen 7 Kindred Spirit Fervid Introductory Gold StandarX Clondy and muddy Poet time 3 TTlq DABYSKIN ttAtcLtfianA tpitcku wkif HbthtH caftcA fit uritk CanracainrA SOAP OINTMENT TALCUM Lihuxlre Teachers College Professor Had Suffered Breakdown Death of Dr John McCrory 43 nationally known educator who ended his life with a shotgun Wednesday afternoon in hia home 67 Columbia boule-Tard Kenmore was mourned to-day by students and fortuity of the Buffalo State Teachers college A leader in the field of education Dr McCrory had been professor of education at the Teachers college here only since September but in Dr McCroryjQif few months bad gained prestige and popularity among his colleagues and pupils He was known as an indefatigable worker Stricken in December Dr McCrory' body was found In the basem*nt of his home about 3:30 Wednesday afternoon by his wife Mrs Mary Lee Rutter McCrory She had just returned froln an errand Medical Examiner Rocco De-Dominicix who issued a certificate of suicide said death was caused by a shotgun wound in the head A gun was found at his side Friends of Dr McCrory said he suffered a severe attack of influenza in December Effects of the illness and overwork caused a nervous breakdown shortly afterward and Dr McCrory went to the Strong Memorial hospital in Rochester for treatment After a three-week stay there he returned to Buffalo and resumed his duties at the college Feb 1 However be was taken ill again and had not been at the college this week Designed Diagnostic Tests Dr McCrory came to State Teachers college here after 14 years service at the State Teachers college in St Cloud Minn where he was professor of education and head of the education department A native of Fond du Lac Wis he was a graduate of the Normal school at Oshkosh Wis and spent several years of study at the University of Wisconsin where he obtained three degrees BA MA and Fh Dr McCrory was principal of elementary schools and superintendent of several schools in Wisconsin He also served as an assistant in education at the University of Wisconsin The author of several educational articles Dr McCrory designed diagnostic tests in English grammar and elementary language Tests Adopted by State He was co-author of the Trihhle-McCrory English test Before his illness he was working on a test to predict teaching success and on a series of spellers for elementary grades He also contemplated writing a book on educational tests and measurements Dr McCrory and Dr Oscar Hertzberg head of the department of psychology and research of the Teachers college here were close friends having been students together at Oshkosh and at the University of Wisconsin and having been colleagues on the' Summer session faculty of Syracuse university in 1935 At SL Cloud he devised psychological examinationa for the Teachers College Personnel association and the tests subsequently were adopted by New York state for admissions to teacher-training institutions Working on Curriculum On several important committees at the Teachers college here Dr McCrory also was working with Prof Charles Root head of the department of education on the curriculum for the coming Summer session Among the organizations of which he was a member are the Kiwanis club the National Education association New York State Teachers association American Psychological association and the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity Besides his wife Dr McCrory is survived by a son John 11 a daughter Margaret Ann 5 and two brothers Victor of Fond du Lac Wis and George of Appleton Wis Funeral arrangements were being made today Patti Pickens Becomes Bride Of Robert Simmons Tenor NEW YORK Feb 11 Patti Pickens 19 youngest member of the Pickens listen radio enter-tainera and Robert Simmons tenor announced their marriage Wednesday They eloped to Newburgh Saturday night Miss Pickens a native of Macon Ga- has been in radio work since she was 14 when she was taken from school in Atlanta to join her sisters under a commercial contract Mr Simmons is a native of Fairplay Mo DIED Feb IX 1937 Elisabeth (nee Biller) beloved wife of Oeorse Wild mother of John Held we in Mrs La i del Evens Mra Charles Wuest Mrs Henry Kllnk Robert Heldwcin Mrs Paul Reich end the lets Florence Held-wein Funeral Saturday Feb IX at 8:30 A from the family residence 244 Guilford street and it I 11 at 8L Mary of Sorrows church Friends in- vlted Member of Branch 23X A end the Companion Foresters Ho 1042 of A Htl2 Feb IX 1937 Theresa wife of the late Rank mother of Andrew Mrs Kerker Mra Kerkar Mra Miller Joseph the lute Frank Jr Rands Henry and Theresa Zittls Fnneral tram the family residence 45S Koons avenne Saturday morning at and from SL church ct 9 Rienda Invited Iltl2 OO WA 1390 In lee Inc memory of our dear brother Leo who passed avar three reb 1934 peare ago todar Oed knew that sen were anfferiai -The hilla were hard to climb 80 He dnH row wear erelida And whispered peace be-thine mama veronica abd brother HICBOUA In memoir of Thomas Tenner who passed on 1 1834 BIS FAMILY In sad and loving memory ear dear son and brother John who passed away an Ml 11 14 years ago MOTHER FATHER AND SISTERS 13 DIED Larkin Elvira Lawler Sara Mattie Bernice McCrory John -Baker Minnie Miller Anna Boa Edwin a Merita Joseph Bremmer Frank Obcrskeimer Ckarlrs Crettj Jeha Pfehl Lean Crowe Anna Qalrier William PeMarco-Carnevale Benner George Catherine Poror William Charles Taylor Dowd John BohHn Harry Effort Angnstn Sarenett Georgs Fcaer Irene A Schmidt George Frits Anna Marie Sheehan Patrick Gera aid Jareh Shier Mary Bdm Jeecph Celemha Sckenck Heldmeycr Carrie Spade Lonisa Eermsa Emma Yeateh Leslie Hootiago Themes Waneamacher Heelgrave Charles Brtm Am Kennedy Fidelia Warner Jaeeb Landsheft Jehn wtttef Theresa Feh 9 1937 Roy beloved husband of Anna: father of Mra Ebert and Mrs MeAoley of Pittsburgh Fa Funeral from tha funeral hom*o of Loo Saner S23 Genesee street Friday nt 0:30 and from at Mary of Sorrow church at 10 lOtll ANDERSON 10 1937 Charles beloved husband of Mildred Forbes: father of Charles Edward: son of Mrs Philip Morgan and tha late John Anderson of Arcade I brother of Cameron Jenettz EUiott and EUnor Services from his late residence 043 North Oak street Saturday at 13 Burial at Arcade Utia In this city Feb 11 1937 Minnie (net Zoeller) beloved wife of the late Frederick Baker mother of Frederick and Edward Baker sister of Mrs A Eben of Syracuse Mrs Bechcter of Westfield and Phillip Zoeller of Buffalo Funeral from her late home SO Nt Tenon avenue Sunday nt 2 and at Grace Lutheran church on Casenovla street at 2:30 Friends arc invited to attend Deceased was a member of the auxiliary of ot 233 and the eld and Altar Guild societies of Grace church Iltl3 Feh 9 1937 Elisabeth nee Byreiterl wife of the into William: mother of Mrs Wullner Mrs Frick Mr Recktenwalt Joseph Faille Mrs Krciter and William Bluhm: sister of Edward Brrelter and Mrs Krug Funeral from the residence of her daughter Mrs Wullner 48 Brin ton street Friday morning at :30 and from SL church iMain street I at 9 Friend Invited lOtll la Buffalo 8 1937 Edwin 0 beloved son of Katherine (nee Rous-aeletl and the late Oscar brother of Bernard Mrs Nicholas Barts Alvin Lorainc and Robert BolL Funeral from tho family residence Seneca street Spring brook Friday morning at 9:30 and from BL church at 9 o'clock FTiends Izvited lOtll la this city Rb 10 1937 Frank Jr beloved husband of Corn fnee Tailed father of 'Katherine and Annette: eon of Frank and Henrietta Brummer: brother of Sirs WiUiom Denier and Mra John Bleasdale Funeral private from the Buffalo City hospital Thursday at 11:30 A Suddenly lu this city 9 1937 John J- beloved husband of Elizabeth Joyce father of Margaret and the late Mrs Mary O'Connor: brother of Kathryn Crottr Mra Norn Martin Mra Thomas Burke Mrs Flynn and Brother Tineent of Rochester Funeral from the family residence 70 Paul place Friday morning at 0 o'clock and from St church at 10 o'clock Friends are Invited to attend Deceased waa a member of tha Benevolent association Elks and Kmghta of Equity- tll CROWE In Buffalo Feb 10i 1937 Anna Crowe sister of the late John Thomas and Mary Crowe aunt of Agnes and Edwin Crowe of Dunkirk Funeral from the Driscoll funeral home 1330 Main street Saturday morning at end from St Patrick's church at 9 o'clock Friends are invited to attend Entered into rest on Ml 10 1937 Catherine beloved wife of the late Anthony DeMarco: mother of Mrs Rosa George Mrs Lucy Malucd and Mra Rose Tsuriello Funeral from her late residence 357 South Division street ou Saturday morning at 5:30 end at St Lacy's church at o'clock Friends invited to attend Iltl2 DOKEK In Checktowaga Feb 10 1937 William 8 beloved husband of Julio I nee Eckbardti father of Mrs George Snell of Boston Mass: Mrs Weber of Glendale Cal-: William and Julia Dorer and brother of James Olivo B- Arthur and Mrs Frank slack Funeral from the family residence 23 Oicott place Pine HiU Friday at 3 Interment in Forest Lawn cemetery Friends invited DOWD-l-In this city Feh 10 1937 John beloved husband of Mary A (nee Ms rooty) father of James and Mac Dowd Mrs Raymond Hill and the late John Dowd: brother of William A and Btsabeth Dowd Mrs Arthur Dunnln and Mra Margaret Hoi than: grandfather of Marian William and Richard Hill Funeral Irma the family residence 133 Sycamore street Saturday morning at 10:00 and from 8L church at 10:45 o'clock Friends invited Deceased was a member of the Arch Confraternity Mother of Perpetual Help lltlS Entered Into rest 11 1937 Augusta Is wife of the late Edward A mother of Mrs Joseph Hildebrand grandmother of Anna May and Joseph William Hildebrand Funeral from her residence 395 Berryman drive Snyder T- Saturday afternoon Time to announced later In Buffalo Y- Pth 10 1937 Irene A- beloved daughter of George and Caroline Freer (nee Seibert): cuter of George Frier Jr Funeral from tho family residence 275 May street Friday morning at 5:30 o'clock and from Holy Namo of Jesus church at 'clock lOtll In Buffalo T- Feb 9 1937 Anna Marti (nee Eitclmcnn) beloved wife of the late Louis Friti mother of Edward Mrs Carl Cein Mrs Ed' ward Uatot Clarence and Margaret A Mia: sister of Mrs Rid Hoffman Funeral from the family home 353 Herman street Friday afternoon at 2 Friends invited Deceased was a member of Modestla Rebekah Lodge and the Ladies Aid of Evangelical pud Reformed SL chnrch In Orchard Park Feh 10 1937 Jacob beloved hatband of Viola BraymtScr father of Richard A and Bessie A Gcraoid con of Amelia and the late Mathias Gernold: brother of the late Mrs William Bauch Funeral services at Emmanuel Bvangollcal church on tho Powers road Saturday Feb IX at 3:30 Friends are invited to at tend Interment in Woodlawn cemetery Orchard Park Iltl2 HEIM In Hamburg Feh IB 1937 Joseph be lured husband of Margaret An-m tiler foster father of Mrs A CL Moll of Glendale CAL brother of Phillip Faneral from his late residence 135 East Main street Saturday at 1:30 and at 9 from SB Peter and Faal church Fttends invited 10112 BELD METER FCb IX 1937 Carrie clster of Mrs Elia Smith of Denver Colo and Emma Heldmeycr of Buffalo Funeral from the home of her niece Mis Joseph Waldow 141 Coolidge road Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock Hay It with tUvara TV le graph Open evenings Aadaraon Florist 440 Mata 0-3967 491 Eansdi OMMi cosh prices for truckz any dltkm Standard Wrecking Co- 1 281 Clinton et- JK 6300 SEB OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT Rebuilt and Used Trucks STEWART MOTOR CORPORATION I 93 DEWEY AVENUE Near Mein CASH for your truck any model Anprt Auto Forte Co- Cl 173X TfODEL coal truck cheap cZ ft trailer body! 810: trailer ailo without brakes with two 34x7 tlrez 935: sleeper cab for sate or will trad Kir standard cab General Motors Used Trucks 21 Jewett UN 6383 Btudebsker track: also 4 1933 6 track tlrez cheep 5700 Genesee et rear (j) Ford dump track 3-yerd goi-d condition 21 Wlrk evenings Auto House Trailers COVERED WAGON triumphs Slain steel bodies: world's oldest end largest trailer coach builders Display Dl BeUo'z 1279 Mein st LI 1740 INDIAN trailers completz with vacuum brakez car sttsehmentz etc deliv-j ered in Buffalo 8506 and up City Ponfj tlsc- Inc distributors 1897 and 9301 Mala BE8T by comparison Royal Coach trs ers 2707 Delaware cor Villa Rll New light stream-lino 2-pscsen-ger enamel any color CA 445K $250 Auto Passenger Cars FASTEST GROWING PONTIAC DEALER OFFERS 1 Plymouth 2-Door Touring Sedan Trunk 5599 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach 5415 Chrysler CM 6 Sedan 6199 1930 Hupmoblle 0 8 Coupe $129 1935 Coach 6529 193 Qrhm Sedan $199 FREE 1937 PLATES 1935 PImouU Bo!) coupe 5439 Ford Dc Luxe Convertible Coupe 6169 1933 OIdimotail I Business Coups 9369 -f QOrt Chevrolet Maatcr Sport Coupe X70z) Radix heater 5499 1930 Na 7 ru Sedan $139 1935 80(0 AlratrBB Coupe 9509 BERRIM AN-GRAHAM 1040 MAIN STREET CORNER NORTH DUXCK 1929 sport coupe Motor in A-l condition: good tires 595 terms Borate Ferguson Inc 760-850 PUImore 1936 light ond medium dans with tranks real bargains Mon Motor 1114 Main TPUICK 1931 sedan 1150 tor quick sair 294 Connecticut Thursday Friday between 10-2 nUICK 1929 4-door sedan paint upbnl-u etary mechanically perfect rJli equipped 6100 157 Broadway 4 I CADILLAC 1935 dc luxe sedan trunk? heater 5X195 Motz 1114 Main Stock Reduction Sale 1935 Ford 35 034 Chevrolet Touring Sedan 5376 1933 ChrroIt Coach 8335 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 9315 Ford Dc Luxe Tudor 9295 1934 Plymouth Coupe 9395 i35 WJir 77 KM- 1Q01 Auburn Sedan 9165 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 9166 JQOJ Hupmoblle Sedan 9145 1930 8tudebkeT Mib 1125 193 Pontiac Coach 1295 KURTZ-PATTON Inc 2655 MAIN STREET pHEVROLET 1931 coach good ronditioz new paint radio and fcornz Tans 2191-W ptHEVROLET 1933 eoupz rumble scat ti- ccllcnt condition 925 down 91923 monthly 1155 Main 1934 Chevrolet Coach TOBCONDITIONED Looks ond runs new Do Luxe model with kncc-sel ilk actio: no-draft ventilation safety glass Great comfort and economy Pries only $389 2675 and 2700 MAIN ST AT AMHERST pHIVHOLIT 1933 soups dark green -Mum- Holmes sells chsp-cr 740 Abbott rd Ford dealer CHEVROLET 1936 coupe Original FW Oreen finish with Ivory stripe exterior accessories Drier slight ly over 9000 mllez Clean as a hound'i tooth Inside and out mechanically superZ awsnky exceptionally economic'' mlKM lit charm Bflng in that oti 30 or and take this home Monfh-e notes only 522 Ask to see ear No 1387 Price only $449 Brest Chevrolet 104 Male Comparative Temperatures Highest temperature pest 24 hours at Weather bureau 24 Airport 4 24 Lowest temperature Wednesday night at Weather bureau 12 Airport 12 Average temperature past 24 hours IS Normal for this date 24 Highest temperature this date since 1S74 68 Lowest temperature this date since 1874 13 below Excess In temperature since Jen 1 259 Precipitation For 24 hours ended 8 A Since Feb 1 Excess since Jen 1 J4 A4 Relative Data Time BsrTm Hu 1 IS 175 I i21 Clear I 12 1 721 Clear I 0 Noon j3027 20 j7j 8W 2iPtCldy 0 Spencer senior meteorologist 8HIP NEWS NEW YORK Feb 11 SHIP ARRIVED WEDNESDAY FROM Batumi Naples SHIP DUE THURSDAY FROM America Banker Xondon American Legion Bncnos Aires Conte di Savoie Genoa UP SAIL THURSDAY FOR Segsporack Copenhagen SHIP SAIL FRIDAY FOR American Farmer London MARRIAGE LICENSES Sidney Schwartz 151 Tacoma Etta Shapiro 161 Tacoma ave Garfield Leon 8anta Monica Marcia Mace Hollywood Cal David Gandel 275 Colvin Beisi "Lenevltch 197 Madison st Richard Tamm 372 Franklin Alies Smith 526 Ashland ave Howard Hols 45 Bisks st Bernice Hsrtlg 635 Woodlawn ave William Arthur Bates Trenton Out Rcnbel Tbealby White Trenton Out DEATHS Certificates filed in the Bureau of Vital Statistics Bureau of Health up to 2 Feb 11 Feb 7 Anastasia Komlniarek SO 124 Csbls st Margaret Wollfer 88 3230 Beiley eve 8 Florence A Roth 23 156 Hamlin rd Shepard Jones 60 465 Clinton at George Yonng 6X 493 Michigan eve-g Marjorie Moul 42 135 Fordham dr Anna Miller 70 118 Claremont eve Herbert Wagner 47 185 Nassau eve Kenmore Joseph Moritz 46 477 Schiller at 7 Barbara Baumgartner 57 70 Avery st Cheektowaga Say Alexander 54 552 I North at 9 Elizabeth Bluhm 66 48 Brin ton st Edward Termer Sr 75 98 Carl 8 Betty Marie Haltsmen 34 42 Hennepin Perk Charles Altman 51 718 Broadway Frod Steiger 84 400 Monroe st McDonald 47 200 Riley it Anna Frits 74 383 Herman st Sylvester Christopher BX 150 Pennsylvania st 5 Donald Frovlno 3 mas 866 Prospect ave George Sarsnett 52 253 Cedar st Is shell Turner 64 245 Elmwood eve John 3 Crotty 61 70 Paul pi Edwin Boll IX Springbrook Helen Klloch 77 106 Urban et John Olowks 66 43 Harmonic at Catherine Wslcsok 42 169 Selkirk st 9 Pennells Adams 64 29 Irving pi 10 Frederick Kaufman 73 Hallstead Pa 7 Francis Shuster 49 258 Ashland avz Johanna Vance 74 43 Ryan st Bernard Dougherty 34 14 Wells st 1 Charles Wiesmore 53 21 Dert st Frank Brummer 28 103 Spruce st IQ- Jesse Mar Ison 64 7 Palos pi Santo Slrlanno 59 56 Commercial st Charles Gasper 7 2011 Niagara et 8 Michael Kostnr 43 36 Gladstone st John Landsheft 7X 636 Niagara st 10 Michael Chsbs 34 44 Hartman pi Carrie Heldmeyer 79 141 Coolidge rd 10 Lena Pfohl 77 145 Johnson it Dont Sleep When Gas Presses Heart If you want to really GET RID OF GAS and terrible bloating expect to do it by just doctoring your stomach with harsh Irritating alkalies and "gas Most GAS is lodged in tho stomach and upper intestine and is duo to old poisonous matter in tho DO) constipated baurtli that ara loaded III with ill-causing bacteria If your constipation I of long standing onomious quantities of dangerous bacteria accumulate Than your di flection to upset GAS often presses heart and lunge making life miserable Von cai or simp Your head ach Yaur back aches Your ism-plexion to sallow and pimply Your breath to foul You are a eick grouchy YOU! wTotchod uehimg person 5Y5TEM IB POII Thousands of sufferer have found in Adlorika tho quiek oeientiflo way to rid their systems of harmful beets riz Adlerika ride yen ef gas and cleans foul poisons ant ef BOTH upper add lower bowels Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika Get tMLof GA AdUflka deea net gripe le not habit term lag Harvey 9 Carey Ik Adv Swedish people as peaceful prosperous as believed? Start Helen Cowles fine travel series NEWS Saturday I i AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE SAW SWEDEN WkyHAt 031 FI Nest Pag-.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.