Cycle Syncing Nutrition and Exercise (2024)

You know all too well how low you feel before and during your period. Have you also noticed a burst of energy mid-cycle?


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During your menstrual cycle, hormone changes can cause swings in your mood, energy, appetite, creativity and social engagement. Cycle syncing is a way to adapt your lifestyle to these changes to achieve better balance and feel your best.

“The idea that you can and should listen to your body is revolutionary,” says psychologist Susan Albers, PsyD. “Cycle syncing gives you permission to take care of yourself in a different way.”

What is cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing is adjusting your routines around the phases of your menstrual cycle. It recognizes the rise and fall of your sex hormones that can leave you feeling tired, energetic or somewhere in between.

The concept of cycle syncing came from functional nutritionist Alisa Vitti’s 2014 book, WomanCode. These days, it’s a popular topic on social media. Dr. Albers notes that the cycle syncing program hasn’t been researched in a clinical setting. That said, there’s a lot of research supporting differences in mood and activity levels during each phase of the menstrual cycle.

People often focus on syncing diet and exercise to their cycle. But you can extend the practice to other aspects of your life, such as work and relationships. For example, plan an evening out with friends during the more energetic phase of your cycle, as you may just want to stay home and binge watch TV right before or during your period.

What are the benefits of cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing can put you in tune with the monthly changes in your hormones, says Dr. Albers. This understanding can be especially helpful if you’re trying to become pregnant and need to pinpoint ovulation.

Cycle syncing may also help balance hormone levels in people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Tailoring your diet and fitness routine to your menstrual cycle may also:

  • Decrease period symptoms, such as cramps.
  • Improve mood.
  • Lower stress.
  • Reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


Does cycle syncing work if you’re on hormonal birth control?

Hormonal birth control uses synthetic hormones to stop ovulation. Because these hormones override your natural hormones, cycle syncing doesn’t really apply if you’re on birth control.

“However, it’s still important to pay attention to your body even if you’re on birth control,” says Dr. Albers. “You may still have ups and downs in your mood, energy levels and appetite. Syncing your diet and exercise to these changes can be helpful.”

How to cycle sync

The first step is learning about your menstrual cycle, a biological cycle called an infradian rhythm. Many people think of their cycle as being on or off their period, but it’s more complex than that.

What are the menstrual cycle phases?

The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days long and has four phases:

  • Menstrual phase (days 0 to 7): This is when you have your period. The lining of your uterus (endometrium) sheds, causing bleeding. Estrogen is at its lowest point, so your energy levels are low.
  • Follicular phase (days 8 to 13): A rise in estrogen causes your endometrium to thicken. Your energy levels are increasing.
  • Ovulation phase (days 14 to 15): Your ovaries release an egg. Estrogen and testosterone levels peak, giving you high energy.
  • Luteal phase: (days 16 to 28): The sac left behind from the released egg (corpus luteum) produces progesterone, preparing your uterus to receive a fertilized egg. You may experience PMS symptoms toward the end of the luteal phase.

Your cycle is probably not exactly 28 days. Because most people vary, Dr. Albers recommends tracking your cycle using a calendar or app. Pay attention to the signals your body sends you, such as your:

  • Appetite.
  • Behavior.
  • Energy levels.
  • Mood.
  • Period and related symptoms.

“It may take several months to figure out your cycle,” she says. “Once you know your phase pattern, you can adjust your diet and exercise accordingly.”

Cycle syncing your diet

Your body’s nutritional needs change across your cycle. Specific foods and nutrients can help support you during these changes.

Eating the right foods at the right time can be a challenge. Dr. Albers recommends creating meal plans and shopping lists for each phase. Also, consider shopping ahead — especially for your menstrual phase, when you may not feel like going to the grocery store.

As you read, keep in mind that these suggestions aren’t tailored to any one individual. It’s important to know yourself and what foods your body responds to.

Nutrition for each phase includes:

Nutrition during the menstrual phase

Cramping, fatigue and irritability are common period symptoms. You may turn to sweets, pizza and chips for comfort. But eating these foods during your period can throw your hormones out of balance and rob you of important nutrients.

Foods to eat during the menstrual phase include:

  • Iron-rich foods can replace iron lost from bleeding. Examples include green leafy vegetables, lean red meat, lentils and beans.
  • Vitamin C increases iron absorption. Citrus fruits, berries, broccoli and red peppers are good sources of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K can reduce heavy bleeding. Choose leafy greens, blueberries, cheese and eggs.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and cramping. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, flaxseed and tree nuts.


Nutrition during the follicular phase

Choose foods to support your increased energy levels. Lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat, brown rice and quinoa, will fuel higher-intensity workouts.

As estrogen levels rise, eat foods to help your body balance estrogen, including:

  • Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale.
  • Fermented foods, such as kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi.
  • Healthy fats, such as avocados, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds.
  • Leafy greens.

Nutrition during the ovulation phase

With estrogen surging, your liver is working hard to break down the excess estrogen. Continue eating estrogen-balancing foods.

Eating an overall healthy diet can also help give you the strength and stamina you need during this high-energy phase.

Nutrition during the luteal phase

The luteal phase can bring on PMS, hunger and cravings. Complex carbohydrates and high-fiber foods, such as cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens and sweet potatoes, will help curb hunger.

If you’re craving a sweet or salty snack, dark chocolate, fruit, nuts and seeds are good substitutes. Pumpkin seeds, which contain high amounts of magnesium, can also help reduce fluid retention.

And remember to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can reduce bloating, brain fog and PMS.

Cycle syncing exercise

Instead of doing the same workouts week after week, try listening to your body and understanding how it needs to move. Match the intensity of your workouts to your changing energy levels:

Exercising during the menstrual phase

You have less energy, so this is the time for low-intensity activities, such as walking, stretching or Pilates. “You may not feel like exercising at all, and that’s OK,” states Dr. Albers.

Exercising during the follicular phase

As your energy levels increase, start adding in cardio-based workouts. Running, swimming and group fitness classes are great options to get your heart rate up.

Exercising during the ovulation phase

Take advantage of your peak energy levels with high-intensity workouts, such as:

  • Boot camp.
  • Kickboxing.
  • Spinning.

Exercising during the luteal phase

Medium-intensity cardio and strength training are best during this phase. Take things slower as your period approaches.

Do you need to take supplements to cycle sync?

You don’t need supplements to sync your cycle.

“You should get the nutrients you need through your diet,” says Dr. Albers. “Supplements are not always as safe as you might think. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider first.”

The bottom line

Being mindful of your body and its patterns can be a game changer. Cycle syncing is one way to become aware of your needs, and nurture and care for your body.


Cycle Syncing Nutrition and Exercise (2024)


Cycle Syncing Nutrition and Exercise? ›

Cycle syncing involves changing your diet, exercise routines, and other lifestyle habits based on your menstrual cycle. While research about its benefits is lacking, it can be a helpful way to understand your cycle and how it affects you.

What should I eat during cycle syncing? ›

Cycle syncing your diet

During menstruation, for example, iron levels may decrease due to blood loss, so eating iron-rich foods such as leafy greens and lean meats can prevent feelings of fatigue. The luteal phase sees progesterone levels rise and can lead to craving carbohydrates and sweets.

Is cycle syncing exercise legit? ›

The bits of scientific and anecdotal evidence showing fluctuations in performance or energy throughout the menstrual cycle also don't prove that syncing workouts to the cycle will optimize fitness. “From a medical standpoint, there is no good evidence,” said Dr.

How do you nutrition and train around your menstrual cycle? ›

Lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat, brown rice and quinoa, will fuel higher-intensity workouts. As estrogen levels rise, eat foods to help your body balance estrogen, including: Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale.

How to eat and workout during luteal phase? ›

The luteal phase

Switch up to low-intensity workouts with more recovery time than usual. You can try pushing the intensity, but listen if your body is begging you to stop. Eat up – This is when you need to get your fuel from carbohydrates both before and during workouts.

What foods to avoid on your cycle? ›

Diets you should avoid during menstruation
  • Salty / High sodium foods. Eating too much salty or high sodium foods can cause water retention, edema and bloating.
  • Sweets / High sugar foods. ...
  • Caffeine / Tea / Coffee. ...
  • Alcohols. ...
  • Piquant and Spicy foods. ...
  • Meat / Red Meat such as beef or pork.
Feb 28, 2022

What is cycle syncing diet and exercise? ›

Cycle syncing is a concept that involves adapting your eating and exercise habits to the phases of your menstrual cycle. Some proponents of cycle syncing advise following standard sets of nutrition and fitness guidelines during each phase of the menstrual cycle.

How long does it take to see results from cycle syncing? ›

How Long Does Cycle Syncing Take? If you want to start cycle syncing, Beckerman says it can take up to three months to feel the effects. “Your body will start to work with the natural hormonal waves rather than against it,” she says, and recommends continuing your rhythm of eating and exercise long-term.

Can you build muscle while cycle syncing? ›

Cycle syncing your workouts can help make your exercise routine more efficient and optimize performance, whether that's running faster and longer or lifting heavier. That's because cycle syncing increases muscle growth and helps with muscle recovery, allowing you to get stronger and fitter more efficiently.

Can you lose weight on the menstrual cycle diet? ›

In an intention-to-treat analysis, the Menstralean group did not achieve a clinically significant weight loss compared with that of the control group (P = 0.61). In per-protocol analyses, a more-pronounced weight loss of 4.3 ± 1.4 kg (P = 0.002) was shown in adherent Menstralean subjects than in the control group.

How to start cycle syncing? ›

To get started with cycle syncing, track your cycle and related symptoms for a few months. As patterns emerge, you'll get a sense of how best to adjust your day-to-day habits for optimal well-being. National Library of Medicine. News: experts say the 'cycle syncing' workout method may not be all it's cracked up to be.

When are you most tired during your cycle? ›

The luteal phase represents the second half of a woman's cycle. During this phase progesterone levels peak, resulting in an increase in resting heart rate, and decreases in aerobic capacity and ability to tolerate heat. Exercise may feel like an uphill struggle and you will tire more quickly.

What not to do in periods? ›

8 Things a Gynecologist Wants You to Stop Doing During Your...
  • Don't Eat Salty Foods.
  • Don't Consume Caffeine.
  • Don't Forego Protection.
  • Don't Use A Douche.
  • Don't Use Cleansers with Artificial Fragrance.
  • Don't Wait Too Long to take Pain Medication.
  • Don't Be A Couch Potatoe.
  • Don't Leave Sanitary Products in Too Long.

When are you weakest in your cycle? ›

If you've ever felt sluggish and exhausted on certain days of the month, you might have wondered when you are most tired during your menstrual cycle. During your menstrual cycle, you will likely feel the most tired during the luteal phase (post-ovulation) when estrogen levels drop.

Why shouldn't you lift heavy things on your period? ›

She adds, “High-intensity training or heavy lifting is said to be avoided during the days of heavy flow. The reason being the cramps and the discomfort that one has. Some women experience water retention and bloating. But these should not keep anyone away from their workout.”

When is the best time to workout during your cycle? ›

Ovulation is characterised by a sharp increase in hormones, including testosterone, so can be the best time to hit strength PB's and really push yourself. Overall the first half of your cycle (follicular phase) is great for strength training and high intensity cardio, your body is also generally more carb sensitive.

What should I eat during the four phases of my period? ›

Eat for Your Cycle
  • Phase 1: Anti-inflammatory foods and iron. Starting with your menstrual phase. ...
  • Phase 2: Whole foods, balanced intake. ...
  • Phase 3: Healthy sweets on hand. ...
  • Phase 4: Less caffeine, more omega-3s and water.

What should you eat while cycling? ›

Carbs with lots of sugars will take longer for the body to break down for digestion, that means absorption will be better as they will fuel you longer. This means aiming for more complex carbs such as steel-cut oats, sweet potato and wholemeal basmati rice, and avoiding very sugary foods like sweets, cake and biscuits.

When in your cycle should you eat more? ›

Increased appetite and food cravings right before your period are normal. Your body goes through several changes (between puberty and menopause) to prepare for a possible pregnancy. Hormones rise and fall during this time. Some of these hormonal changes might affect your appetite.

What foods regulate your cycle? ›

Here are 6 foods that promote a healthy menstrual cycle, according to the nutritionist:
  • Papaya. Papaya contains carotene, a nutrient that supports estrogen levels. ...
  • Carom Seeds (Ajwain) Carom seeds water is known to regulate your menstrual cycle. ...
  • Aloe Vera. ...
  • Cinnamon. ...
  • Pineapple. ...
  • Fennel.
Jan 27, 2023

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