Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste (2024)

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Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste (1)

Englisch [en], .pdf, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 0.8MB, 📘 Buch (Sachbuch), Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love A Journey to the End of Taste by Carl Wilson

Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste 🔍

Bloomsbury Publishing USA, Bloomsbury Popular Music, 2016

Carl Wilson 🔍


“"Non-fans regard Dion as ersatz and plastic, yet to those who love her, no one could be more real, with her impoverished childhood, her (creepy) manager-husband's struggle with cancer, her knack for howling out raw emotion. There's nothing cool about Dion, and nothing clever. That's part of her appeal as an object of love or hatred - with most critics and committed music fans taking pleasure (or at least geeky solace) in their lofty contempt. This book documents Carl Wilson's brave and unprecedented year-long quest to find his inner Dion fan, and explores how we define ourselves in the light of what we call good and bad, what we love and what we hate. "--Bloomsbury Publishing”

Datum der freien Veröffentlichung

2021-02-24 (ol_source: 2021-10-05, isbndb_scrape: 2022-09-01, lgli_source: 2022-03-08, zlib_source: 2021-02-24)


ISBN-13978-1-4411-9370-4 ISBN-101-4411-9370-7 Open LibraryOL34475193M Open LibraryOL6905452W Z-Library11702091 MD52b0c3f7f7ba4de70e3d6bbf0d79d8b42 Libgen.li File97473743 Libgen.li libgen_id3327577

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Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.